The 2000 Glorieta Kickoff Conference

The 2000 Challenge Kickoff Conference is held at the Glorieta Conference Center, between Santa Fe and Las Vegas. The date for the Kickoff Conference is October 29 to October 31.

To attend the kickoff conference, you must register with the Challenge. Note that online registration must be completed by 5:00pm on Friday, September 29, 2000.

This year we have a very exciting keynote speaker: Karen G. Haines, a PostDoctoral Fellow from the Albuquerque High Performance Computing Center. She will speak about "Using Computational Science and Scientific Visualization to Model the Fly's Early Visual Processing System".

Two sessions are held. Schools that are farther than one hundred miles from Glorieta will attend the first session on October 29 and 30, while the schools within one hundred miles attend the second session on October 30 and 31.

Important Information:

Students may participate in one of three Instructional Tracks:

Track I is designed for the student who is new to the Supercomputing Challenge and has little computing experience, or for the returning student that wishes to review and polish their basic skills.

Track II is designed for those students, new or returning, that have some computer programming experience, are comfortable with UNIX, and feel ready to explore the art of computer programming in C++.

Track III is designed for those students who are very familiar with unix and a high level programming language such as C++, C, Fortran, or Java.

Electives: Check out our student and teacher electives.