1999 Summer Teacher Training Session

The 1999 Summer Teacher Training Sessions were held at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, NM.

The goals of the Summer Teacher Training Session is to give the teachers and sponsors of Challenge teams the experience of walking through their own Challenge projects, the skills required to design effective software and program in C++, and tips in creating and motivating Challenge teams.

These sessions were conducted as intensive two-week courses at NMSU. The courses were a combination of lectures, programming labs, and team project sessions. Throughout the sessions, the teachers formed teams that brainstormed potential projects, developed the projects, and implemented the projects.

June Session Information

Participants' Projects
[ Queueing Theory | Genetic Mutations | Runoff Simulation ]

August Session Information

Due to factors beyond our control, the August STTS has been cancelled. Sorry.

Hosted by New Mexico State University in the Technology Training Center

August 1-6, 1999

One-week course for high school teachers who have not participated in the Challenge but would like to get their high school involved. Topics will include: C++, Fortran, Unix, HTML, the Internet, project design, and the New Mexico High School Supercomputing Challenge. The course is limited to 20 participants, with at most two from any one high school.

Daily schedule of the two-week course - Under Construction

Application for Enrollment

Course Syllabus

Details of the August Course


Participating teachers will receive a $250 stipend for attending the week long course. A $100 food allowance will also be provided for meals during the week.

Graduate Credit

Participating teachers will receive one unit of graduate credit from New Mexico State University.


The Summer Teacher Training Session will begin with a registration session from 4:00 to 5:00 pm in O'Donnell Hall on the NMSU campus with a reception following from 6:00 to 7:30 pm in O'Donnell Hall room 103, (the College of Education building). It is one building to the east of the Physical Science Laboratory (PSL), which is on the south side of Stewart Avenue east of Espina (see http://www.nmsu.edu for information about and a map of NMSU). You'll be going to the PSL for STTS classes.

Text books

Each participant will receive four text books to be used as references throughout the Challenge year. The books are:

Unix System V Release 4: An Introduction, Second Edition
by Osborne
published by McGrawHill
ISBN 0-07-882130-4

Fortran 90 Programming
by TM R Ellis, Ivor R Philips, Thomas M Lahey
published by Addison-Wesley
ISBN 0-201-54446-6

Programming and Problem Solving with C++
by Dale, Weems, and Headington
published by Jones and Bartlett
ISBN 0-7637-0292-7

HTML: The Definitive Guide, Second Edition
by Chuck Musciano & Bill Kennedy
published by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
ISBN 1-56592-235-2


Participants will be housed in the Vista del Monte (VDM) apartments. Participants will each share an apartment with another STTS student. We are hoping that you can select your partners on Sunday, but the default room assignments will be made in alphabetical order.

The VDM office is located on the corner of Williams and Stanley, and is housed in the Aggie Express Convenience Store. When you walk into the building, the laundry is on the left and the store is on the right. Proceed down the hall to the offices.

Although a stove, refrigerator, and sink are standard, participants must provide their own dishes, utensils, pot, and pans for cooking. There are no microwaves available, but participants may bring their own. Linens are provided, including one bath towel and one hand towel (no washcloths). If you plan to swim or you're a generous towel consumer, please bring extras!