CS 535 Supercomputing Challenge STTS (Summer Teacher Training Session)

3 Credit Hours

Instructor of Record

Dr. Wayne Summers, Computer Science Department

Los Alamos National Laboratory Instructors

David Kratzer
Gina Weber
Chris Karr

Contact Hours

June 7-19, 1998

Catalog Description

Preparatory course for teachers in the New Mexico High School Supercomputing Challenge. A basic introductory course of supercomputing for those students who have little or no computing background. Topics will include e-mail; the vi and pico editors; programming in C++; UNIX; an introduction to computer graphics; Challenge project design; HTML; and other Internet and World Wide Web applications. The course will also give students an overview of the New Mexico High School Supercomputing Challenge, its expectations and goals. Students will be introduced to computer scientists from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). Students will complete a final paper, project, or program that will be presented on the last day of the session.

Course Objectives

  1. To provide an overview of programming, UNIX, and the Internet.

  2. To prepare students to return to their high schools and teach and/or help high school students understand programming, UNIX, and the Internet/WWW.

  3. To familiarize students with the supercomputers used by the New Mexico High School Supercomputing Challenge.

  4. To introduce students to the world of high performance computing through lecture and hands-on lab experience.