Challenge Team Abstract

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    Team Number: 005

    School Name: Springer High School

    Area of Science: Zoology - Animal Husbandry

    Project Title: The Great Roadrunner

Final Report

Did you know the roadrunner is related to the cuckoo bird? The roadrunner doesn't like to fly, but they can fly for a short distance. The roadrunner's life span is up to 9 years. It likes to eat birds, rodents, eggs, fruit, and seeds. The roadrunner is the state bird for New Mexico. The roadrunner's song sounds like "coo-coo-coo-oo-oo-oo" and does not go beep-beep like on TV.

My project will develop a C++ program code to simulate the habitat of the roadrunner. Variables in the program will include:

  1. Life Span
  2. Habit
  3. Dry, open territory
  4. Food
  5. Natural enemies

I hypothesize that the simulation will show that the roadrunner will not go outside its regional boundaries.

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