Challenge Team Abstract

Challenge Logo

    Team Number: 006

    School Name: Los Alamos High School

    Area of Science: Earth Science

    Project Title: Three-Dimensional Erosion Modeling

Final Report

We are continuing our project from the 1999-2000 challenge. Our project objective is to construct a three-dimensional model of a given landscape and simulate its transformation by erosion. The result will be an accelerated time animation of the eroding landscape that shows how sediment is transported by simulated rainfall to lower altitudes.

For input, the program needs a landscape map (fractally generated or specific landscape) containing altitudes and map of the resistance to erosion of the involved types of geological materials (various soil compositions). The program will analyze the ground surface to calculate slope, to find the river paths, to calculate the amount of material transported downstream by water, and to modify the landscape accordingly.

We plan to start with a simple model and advance toward a more realistic one. The results of this simulation could be applied to predict fluvial erosion patterns in real environments. This project differs from the one we had last year in that our past project, of which had the samt title, only include erosion done by water. This year our project will include more types of erosion inorder to create a more realistic model.

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