Challenge Team Abstract

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    Team Number: 018

    School Name: Clovis High School

    Area of Science: Electrical Engineering

    Project Title: ElectroMagnetic Field Disruption from Tesla Coils

Final Report

The objective of our project is to disrupt the ElectroMagnetic field using a Tesla Coil. When turned on, a Tesla coil will produce amounts of Electrons which will then be released into the atmosphere. The amount of disruption is determined by the amount of Electricity given off. We constructed a personal coil and will recieve our own results when looking for data in our project. We will find and record the contours of the electromagnetic field. Then a grid will be used and contours should be established. With this information, we will find or construct a program that will calculate using Maxwell's equation and get numerical fashion. If this is performed in a decent amount of time, a larger grid will be established for greater field mapping.

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