Challenge Team Abstract

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    Team Number: 41

    School Name: Bloomfield High

    Area of Science: Life Science

    Project Title: Time Series Simulations of Water in Northwestern New Mexico

Final Report

We will study water availability and usage of Northwestern New Mexico over a period of about ten years and use that data to predict availability of water ten years in the future.

We will find data on water availability such as runoff, snow pack, rain fall, and reclamation, to determine the availability to water to water in the past ten years. The data is available from the extension office or the New Mexico Enviromental Department. We will also gather data on the usage of water. These include industry, farming, mining, and residental.

We will use the data to build a time series simulation of water use in Northwestern New Mexico within the next ten years. For Example, we can model several scenerios, such as drought, increase in population, or increase in industry.

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