The Little Robot That Could


Category A


New Mexico High School

Supercomputing Challenge

Final Report

April 4, 2001


Team 32

Las Cruces High School


Team Members

William Baker

Jared Boxley

Nathaniel Bromwell



Patricia Miller

Ed Lappin



Project Mentor

Stephen Miller

Michael Scoggin

Dr. Howard Julien


Table of Contents


Introduction                                                                             3


Method                                                                                    3


Why We Need A Supercomputer                                            3


Results And Conclusions                                                        3


Future Enhancements                                                               4


Recommendations                                                                   4


Acknowledgements                                                                 5


Bibliography                                                                           5


Appendices                                                                             5+




Since the first days of the Automaton people have dreamed about having mechanical servants capable of relieving us of the need to perform odious or unwanted chores.  The invention of the microprocessor has made this possible, but at a cost that is prohibitive to the majority of those within the private sector. By using the processor on a personal computer to replace the one on a traditional robot we thought we could cut cost by a significant margin.






The process is based on the assumption that FM communications are a viable way of communication between a PC and a robot. The PC would first radio the robot to scan the immediate area, the robot would do this and send back the raw information on the range to the first obstacle at each of the directions it scans and then wait for its next command.  The computer would receive this raw data and convert it into a partial map of the area, it would then look through a database of maps it had made and compare them to find a match.  If this is done and none are found then the computer would tell the robot to move forward for X length of time or to turn and go forward for X length of time and after waiting for the robot to complete this task it would ask for another scan, and so on.  If on the other hand it found a match then it would use that and only scan for position verification.  In the event that it needed to move something the user would insert an object into one of the maps on the computer with instructions to have a robot move the object to the point specified in the instructions. 


Why Do We Need a Supercomputer?


On this scale our project does not require a supercomputer, however once this technology is advanced a supercomputer can be use to control hundreds of small inexpensive robots to do everything from toxic waste removal to heavy lifting or around-the-house chores.



Results and Conclusions


At this time we have constructed a single robot that can interface to a computer using it’s FM antenna to send and receive data.  Although it is not big enough to move large objects it can utilize a simple claw to grab small objects such as soda cans and move them around.  The process used to control our robots could be used to control everything from a cat-sized robot to heavy earth-movers and other larger machines with a package no bigger than a calculator.



Future Enhancements


The chance to put our method of robotic control on a larger custom made robot to facilitate the addition of FM antenna and control circuitry.  However this could not be as we had a limited budget and not enough time.  We would have also like to have a more complex robot with perhaps a 5-axis arm and a greater mobility.  Sadly, another aspect of our project, the ability of or control program to handle multiple robots, could not be tested as we had hoped and therefore could not be confirmed as completely feasible on any scale although we cannot find any reason for it not to be.  This needs to be tested on some future date.





            To those who would like to work on a project similar to our own, here is some basic advice.  First a firm knowledge of an appropriate programming language must be had as additions to that knowledge needed for the project can end up stealing hundreds of man-hours.  Books on that programming language may still be needed, but don’t stray into learning things not important to your project that way lies chaos and confusion when the deadline arrives.


            Another suggestion is to have mentors, whether adults or peers such as someone who has participated in the supercomputing challenge in previous years.  Perhaps more than one, we got valuable ideas and information from everyone helping us.  Mentors can also help get you much-needed funds and workspace too.
























We would like to thank:

The Supercomputing Challenge People       For providing the opportunity to work on robots                                                                               inside the auspices of the school environment


Patricia Miller                                               For acquiring copious funds and letting us invade her                                                                       house on the weekends while we built and                                                                                        programmed our robot


Stephen Miller                                              For lending us his spare time to instruct in the                                                                                  building of circuits and buying all those little pieces                                                                        needed to build those circuits


The Entire Miller Family                              For allowing us to ruin your Saturdays



Michael Scoggin                                           For helping us get the basic information on what we                                                                        needed to get for our robot


Our Parents                                                   For indulging us in our last minute notifications of                                                                           important activities and events






Andre LaMothe (1998), Windows Game Programming for Dummies IDG Books


Robert Dunlop (1999), Teach Yourself Direct X 7 In 24 Hours Sams Publishing


Parallax Technical Manual Writers (2000), Basicstamp Programming Manual







The following pages contain the code for the computer program, followed by the code for the BASIC Stamp.