Table of Contents
Executive Summary
- What's it all about?
- What's the point?
Project Description
- What does it do and how does it do it?
- Did it do it? What did it do?
- What does it mean
- What still needs to be done?
Reference List
- Whose work do I use or refer to?
Appendix A: Part of Speech and Sentence Position Descriptions, plus Other Defined Constants and Structures
- Unnecessary to understand the code, but impossible to compile without...
Appendix B: Grammar Functions (Reformatted For Layout)
- Really, how can a computer understand English grammar?
Appendix C: Database Functions
- Uninteresting, but needed to compile and implements searching of the database
Appendix D: main() Function
- How does this all tie together?
Appendix E: Sample Dictionary
- What parts of speech may "alternative" take in a sentence?