Team Entry Authorization Form
(Please type or print CLEARLY.)_____________________________________________________________________________
School Name: Public / Non-Public / Home (Circle One)
Street Address , Phone , Fax
City, State Abbreviation, Zip Code
I understand by signing below that I agree to abide by the rules of the Challenge. Specifically, I have read and understand the AUP and will
submit work for consideration that is solely my own. I also understand that the decision of the Executive Committee is final in all respects.
NOTE: The name you enter must be legible and the same as you entered electronically. It is the only spelling of your name that will be used throughout the Challenge.
Student Name (Please Print - First Name, MI Last Name) , Signature
Student Name (Please Print - First Name, MI Last Name) , Signature
Student Name (Please Print - First Name, MI Last Name) , Signature
Student Name (Please Print - First Name, MI Last Name) , Signature
Student Name (Please Print - First Name, MI Last Name) , Signature
Teacher - Sponsor (Please Print - First Name, MI Last Name) , Signature
Teacher (Please Print - First Name, MI Last Name) , Signature
Project Advisor (Please Print - First Name, MI Last Name) , Signature
Area of Science of Report
Principal (Please Print - First Name, MI Last Name) , Signature - Principal
I/We agree by signing above that we will guide the individual efforts of the members of this team throughout the Challenge competition and
throughout the 2000-2001 academic year. I/We certify that we have read the Challenge Rules and hereby authorize/approve this Team Entry.
Return to:
New Mexico High School Supercomputing Challenge
New Mexico Technet
5921 Jefferson, N.E.
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Phone: (505)343-6555 Fax: (505)345-6559
This form MUST be signed by all Students, Teachers and the School Principal/Headmaster and returned to New Mexico Technet with your
registration package.
IF YOU REGISTERED ELECTRONICALLY, this form only MUST be mailed to arrive no later than 5:00pm, Tuesday, October 3, 2000.