Challenge Team Interim Report

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    Team Number: 004

    School Name: Springer

    Area of Science: Cryptography

    Project Title: Encryption

Final Report

I am Jamie Valentine from Springer, New Mexico. I am seventeen years old, and an eleventh grader at Springer High School. In some classes I do really well, in others I don't do as well. I was attending the Upward Bound Program every other Saturday. They helped me with the classes I needed tutoring in.

I have Mrs. Smith for a class, so she teaches me a lot of things to help me. She showed me how to make HTML and web pages. I did not know what to do for my project, so I just chose cryptography. I want to find out more about it. I think encryption will be fun. I did my web page with butterflies. I did not know what else to do.

Mrs. Smith is a good teacher. She can help me a lot with my project, because there are only two of us in our super computer class. We can get a lot of stuff done. She makes sure we turn in our papers to meet our deadlines. We are getting information off the Super Computer Challenge web page. I think that this is going to be an easy project, and I hope to learn more about the challenge.

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