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Team Number47
School Name: Ramah High School
Area of Science: Archeology
Project Title: Atlantis: The Lost Civilization
Atlantis was a highly advanced civilization
that supposedly existed around 11,600 BC. They were
destroyed in a cataclysmic event, and whether or not
the Atlanteans existed or not is something still under
debate. Another subject of debate is the actual
location of the continent of Atlantis. Our project
does not focus on whether or not Atlantis existed, but
if it did, where it was most likely located.
The only historical references to Atlantis are found
in two of Plato’s books, Timeaus and Critias. The
characteristics of Atlantis found in these books are
what we will put into our computer program, as these
are the only known facts about the continent.
In Plato’s Timeaus, Plato does not go into great
detail about Atlantis. However, he did say that the
continent was location in the Atlantic Ocean, opposite
what was then known as the Pillars of Heracles (or
Hercules). Today, these are known as the Straits of
Gibraltar. When Plato mentions the Atlantic Ocean,
this does not necessarily mean it was in what we call
the Atlantic Ocean. Back then, people knew all the
oceans of the world as the Atlantic, meaning Atlantis
could be located anywhere. The continent itself was
larger than Libya and Asia combined. From Atlantis,
you could also reach other islands, and then a true
In Critias, Plato went into great detail about the
architecture and layout of the continent. First of
all, Atlantis possessed a strong military, including
horses, chariots, and soldiers. Secondly, there was a
large plain 330 miles long by 110 miles wide. The
plain was surrounded in the north by a mountain range.
The southern end was open to the sea, where a canal
exited to the sea. The canal was 300 feet wide and
100 feet deep. Around the plain was a ditch, 100 feet
deep and one stade wide (with a stade being 607 feet,
or .11 miles). The ditch was 10,000 stade (1,100
miles) long, and surrounded the whole plain. 50
stades (5.5 miles) from the southern sea was a hill
where the rings of Sea and Land were built.
Also in Critias was a description of the lives of
Atlanteans. Atlantis produced two harvests every
year, one from winter rains and the other from summer
irrigation. Fruits were hard to store, but provided
drink, food, and oil. Timber, elephants, marshes,
swamps, rivers, mountains, and plains were all
abundant on Atlantis, as were hot and cold springs.
Orichalc, a metal unknown to Plato, was mined in large
quantities. It was second in value only to gold. The
stone on Atlantis was white, black, and yellow. The
stone was excavated from the center island and land
rings to form covered docking areas.
The computer program we have planned is going to take
a lot more knowledge of C++ than either of us has, so
one of the first things we need to do is learn the
language. A mentor would really be able to help us,
so we definitely need to find one quickly.
Ideally, our computer program will be able to map
exactly where it thinks Atlantis is located. We will
program into it the different characteristics known
about Atlantis (listed above). We will also have to
do research about what the world was like in 11,600
BC, so the computer will be able to match
characteristics of a certain area during that time to
the known characteristics of Atlantis. It would take
a lot more work, but would also be very interesting,
if we could get the output as a map that displays some
sort of marker (star, etc.) where Atlantis was
located. To complete this program will take at least
until the end of the challenge year, if not into the
As for our progress on this project, we have not been
able to meet as often as we would have liked.
However, we have been able to complete almost all of
the research needed for the program, and we feel
fairly comfortable with what we know. We have started
on our program, however it is not in any programming
language. Instead, we are writing out what we want
the program to do, and will hopefully be able to
convert it into a working program. Ideally, we will
be able to get a mentor soon who will be able to help
with this, and also be able to teach us a bit more
about C++ and other programming languages.
Our main goal for this challenge year is to complete
our computer program. Neither of us have any
programming experience, so we will have to learn as we
go along. Whether or not we will be able to finish
the program and have it work like we had originally
planned is yet to be seen, but we will hopefully be
able to meet often to work on it.
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