AiS Challenge Team Abstract
Team Number: MMI
School Name: Hard Knocks
Area of Science: Health/Earth Science
Project Title: Sun Wise Wizzardry
Project Abstract for Sun Wise Wizzardry:
What the problem is:
How does the calculation of the UV Index equate to our exposure
and health?
The definition of the problem:
We have a UV Index and sunscreen. We don't have an understanding
of how they equate into robust health or deadly cancers. Our mission is to
root out those stats and determine how it really relates to our health.
Why it is important:
Skin cancer is linked with UV exposure, but we need to understand
how much sun is beneficial and how much actually puts us at risk.
The purpose of the project or what results you hope to get:
If we can design a program that shows how amounts of exposure in
various areas affects our health, we can determine how much sun is healthy
or harmful.
How you plan to work on it:
From our team we will breakout for each of us to oversee the
various components including programming, PowerPoint, research, and
The plan of action or methods you hope to use:
Collecting data, creating a model, programming the inputs, and
establishing the criteria for health.
Team Members
Sponsoring Teacher(s)
Project Mentor(s)