Everybody who is registered with the Challenge receives an e-mail account
on the machine mode. Important mail is sent
to you by the Challenge staff via this e-mail address throughout the year.
A Challenge e-mail address will look similar to
ch099abc@mode.lanl.k12.nm.us. The "ch" stands for "Challenge",
the "099" is your team number, and the "abc" is your initials. Note, if we
don't know your middle initial, an "x" will be placed in that location.
To read/send e-mail from your account on mode,
you must first login to mode using your Challenge login name and password. Next, start
up the mail utility know as Pine by typing "pine" (no quotes) at
the mode prompt.
Pine is relatively easy to use for a unix/linux application. It is menu
driven, and fairly self-explanatory to use. In fact, the editor used to write messages in Pine
is the "pico" editor so many of you are familiar with.
Note that Pico stands for PIne COmposer.
Forwarding your Challenge E-mail: Many of our Challenge participants already
have existing e-mail accounts elsewhere that they readily use. You may forward all of
the e-mail that is sent to your Challenge account to this other account. This way, you
will not have to check two different e-mail accounts! To establish this feature, do the
In your home directory, use the text editor Pico to create a file named ".forward" (no quotes)
by typing the following at the mode
pico .forward
Now, on the first line, enter your primary e-mail address. For example:
This will redirect e-mail directed towards your Challenge address to the "user@host.com" address.
If you wish to keep a copy of the e-mail on your Challenge account as well, type the following on the
second line of the ".forward" file:
Where "ch099abc" is the login name you use to access the machine mode.
Save your changes and quit pico.
At the mode prompt type
more .forward
to make sure you have entered the information correctly. If not, type "pico .forward" (no quotes)
and make the necessary changes.
Test out the changes you have made by e-mailing yourself a message to your Challenge account.
Make sure the message has been redirected to your primary address, and that a copy has also been
left on your mode account if you have set up the ".forward" file to do so.