AiS Challenge Team Abstract
Team Number: 024
School Name: Clovis High School
Area of Science: Mathematics
Project Title: Trivial Ant
We plan to examine the classic "trivial ant" problem. This problem puts
an "ant" in a very simple universe where conditions absolutely dictate
actions. With this mode of operation, we govern the ant with very simple
"If-Then" rules. An example would be phototropism:IF left
phototransistor(light sensor) reads "1"(on) THEN turn left, or "IF
standing on Black square, THEN move right", etc We want to move on then
and make the
ant semi-autonomous because then we can give it basic subcommands to have
it do something useful without getting stuck, or being able to avoid
obstacles in a 3-d world. By beginning with a 2-dimensional world, we
simply tell the ant what it needs to do and how to do it. When we move on
to a 3-dimensional world, the ant then needs to be able to respond
accordingly to obstacles such as walls, holes, hills, dips, etc. This will
give us the opportunity to develop our programming skills and to try some
graphics applications.
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