AiS Challenge Team Abstract
Team Number: 049
School Name: Manzano High School
Area of Science: Physics
Project Title: The Harmonics of a guitar string
The problem that our group is attempting to solve is to help people who
play the guitar to know when their guitar string is old. Our group is
going to test the harmonics of old and new strings of two basic string
materials (i.e. nylon, steel). Our project is important because it will
hopefully show the life of a guitar string through testing via physics the
quality of the harmonics. We hope to write a program that identifies and
models the differences in harmonics between old and new guitar strings.
We will need to buy the two types of guitar strings and find old ones made
out of the same material. After we have tested their harmonics we will
measure the diameter of the strings and use physics formulas to discover
the movement of the different strings. We also need to track down the
equipment that will enable us to identify the frequencies that our strings
produce. Our group is hoping to get a mentor to help us with the
programming aspect of our project.
Team Members
Team Mail
Sponsoring Teacher(s)
Project Mentor(s)