AiS Challenge Team Abstract
Team Number: 101
School Name: Taos High School
Area of Science: Demography
Project Title: Projecting Taos County Population Growth
This project will predict the population growth of Taos County, New Mexico
for the next hundred years. Factors such as water supply, industry, cost
of living, and birth and death rates will be used to make appropriate
adjustments in our prediction. We will obtain data from multiple sources
including the Taos County Chamber of Commerce, the New Mexico Economic
Development Department, and the New Mexico Department of Agriculture.
A mathematical model will be made, which will incorporate these
important population growth factors. This mathematical model will be
converted into a Java program. The program will be used to predict
population growth of Taos County in various scenarios.
Team Members
Team Mail
Sponsoring Teacher(s)
Project Mentor(s)