AiS Challenge Progress Report
Team Number:
School Name:
Las Cruces High School
Area of Science:
Physical Science
Project Title
Rocket Flight Projection
Problem definition: We want to see how accurate the rocketry flight simulators on the market really are.
Why is it important: This project will relieve some frustration that come with simulators today.
Plan of Action: We will purchase the rocket, onboard electronics, and complete the program. We will launch in a clear range,
gather the results taken by the electronics, and compare it to the program data.
Progress made on the current project:
The rocket materials have been purchased, and the simulator has been
acquired for the flight projections. Launch site has been acquired, and
approximate engine power range has been estimated. A mentor is still
pending however. An update will be submitted as soon as one is available.
Of all of the most complicated equations you can think of, the simplest one, is:
Team Members:
Majdi Mahdi:
Christopher Sarver:
Randall Jolly:
Sponsoring Teacher
Larry McBride