AiS Challenge Team Interim
Team Number: 057
School Name: Moriarty High School
Area of Science: Chemistry
Project Title: Managing Alcohol Consumption
Problem Definition
The purpose of our project is to determine if it is posible to manage
drinking patterns to avoid alcohol levels that can impair function. If
adults that
choose to drink alcoholic beverages knew how to better manage their
drinking, they could remain in control of their actions, avoid
and avoid harming themselves and others.
Plan for Solving the Problem
We will write a C++ program to model the elimination and absorption of
alcohol to determine the
blood alcohol concentration. We expect to come up with guidelines for
managing drinking patterns. We plan on using a math model, to help
construct a C++ program in order to determine alchol concentration and
come up with guidlines for managing drinking patterns.
Progress to Date
Our progress curently is on scheludle. We continue to research and plan.
We have found equations for calculating the elimination rate of alcohol.
This will be used with the Widmark formula for
calculating Blood Alcohol Consentration (BAC) which uses an 'r' factor
for the percentage of body weight
that absorbs alcohol. We will also include Fitzgerals & Hume's concept
of the specific gravity of blood. Our C++ program will use
these equations to calculate the BAC for both men and women varying the
amount of alcohol consumed, the persons's weight, and the time over
which the alcohol was consumed. We will
then use this data to help determine how to manage drinking.
Expected Results
We expect that our data will show that it is better to drink alcohol
over a longer period of time than to drink it in a short
period of time. We expect the results for men and women to be similar.
Team Members
Sponsoring Teacher(s)
Project Mentor(s)