Team Number: 074
School Name: Santa Fe High School
Area of Science: Physics
Project Title: Shock waves Due to Supersonic Flight
Our computer program is being designed using Unix programming and will
utilize an "if-else" loop. The purpose of this program is to determine
whether certain objects will break the sound barrier, thus causing a sonic
boom. By entering different variables into the computer we will be able to
tell which objects will cause a sonic boom and which will not.
One of our team members unexpectedly left the team, so our team has been
in a period of transition. Our computer program is being checked for
possible errors, and it is being modified regularly to make it more
complex and to insure that it runs smoother. Also, all of our team members
are conducting more research on the subject to insure a more complete and
thorough final project.
When completed, our program will model the probability of objects to
create a sonic boom. If we had more extensive knowledge of computer
programming techniques we may have been able to create a computer program
with several more variables such as elevation of the object, atmospheric
pressure and density, etc. The study of aerodynamics and shock waves has
no ramifications as far as space travel is concerned, because the
molecular structure of outer space is such that no shock waves can occur.
This is true because the molecules in space are very widely spaced and
there is no oxygen, so no disturbance of fluid molecules can take place.
However, there could be some research undertaken to understand the
possible effect sonic booms may have on animals living in or around
military proving grounds. Also, in the development of A High-Speed Civil
Transport system, the study of shockwaves is particularly important.
Author not specified. "Aerodynamics." Encyclopedia Britannica, 1971 Ed.
Author Unknown."A Primer on the Sonic Boom." URL unknown.
Author Unknown. "Shockwaves and the Sonic Boom." URL unknown.
(Several other physics websites whose URLs are unavailable.)
Team Members
Sponsoring Teacher(s)
Project Mentor(s)