Team Number: 078
School Name: Santa Fe High School
Area of Science: Acoustics
Project Title: A Computational Approach to Sonar Focal Point Determinations
Problem Solution:
We will create a computer program using our math model. This program
will take into account the several variables, such as the shape of the
room, size of the room, and objects in the room, as well as the
composition of everything in the room, including seats, and walls that
affect the acoustics of a room. This program will be used to find where
the sound goes to when it is projected from one spot in the room.
Progress to Date:
We have started on constructing a computer program that will calculate
all that we need to find out. We have found several equations that will
be factored into this program. We also have information on the many
variables that come into play when speaking of acoustics. We have found
the absorption qualities of several different substances that will also
play a role in developing this program. We have found a lot of
information on the subject. Some of the information we have found that
will help us to succeed with this project will now be discussed. If a
sound Wave collides with a wall in a perfectly elastic collision, then
the wave will reflect with the same power it had before the collision.
This will cause echoes, which take the overall quality of the sound down.
This is due to the same sound traveling in different waves in different
directions and some colliding with objects and some going directly to the
listener. The sound waves will eventually reach the listener at
different times, and the listener will not receive a high quality sound.
If a sound wave collides with an object and has a perfectly inelastic
collision, the sound wave will be absorbed, and there will be no
reflection. This is not good also, because if all of the sound waves
projected are absorbed, the listener will receive very little sound.
Different materials have different absorption rates. We will attempt to
achieve the perfect balance between the two opposite types of collisions.
Expected Results:
We expect, once completed, to be able to calculate where the sound waves
will travel to, and how long it will take them to get there with our
computer program. It will need the input of several factors such as the
size of the room, and the composition of it, meaning what materials
everything in it is made of. Once completed with calculating this for an
empty room, we will attempt to enter new variables into the equations,
such as furniture, that will change how sound travels from a room. This
program will hopefully also be able to calculate where in the room the
highest quality of sound can be heard, when the sound is projected from
various places around this room.
Team Members
Sponsoring Teacher(s)
Project Mentor(s)