Team Number: 02
School Name: School of Confusion
Area of Science: Economics
Project Title: Broken Nation - Repaired
Recently our great nation became concerned with a small unknown country in the Middle East. Afghanistan is a land locked, war torn, underdeveloped country. The stability of Afghanistan has become an important issue for the United States because of recent terrorist activity. In studying this problem we realized that our government must also battle this terrorist activity on an economic front as well as militarily.
We must determine what factors will make Afghanistan stable and self-sustaining. We will construct a model that will show the impact of important variables on the infrastructure and future economic stability.
This will require a great deal of work and research on the Internet to find the data needed to develop our program. We plan on using JAVA as our programming language and would like to produce an interactive program that will allow the user to input some of the variables that impact the economic stabiltiy and infrastrucure.
Team Members
Sponsoring Teacher(s)
Project Mentor(s)