AiS Challenge Team Abstract
Team Number: 16
School Name: Amy Biehl High School
Area of Science: Game Theory
Project Title: "Do rules create patterns?"
"Do rules create patterns?", this is our question. The reason we are doing
this is because we want to be able to have the perfect stradegy for any
thing in the world with rules. We will be focusing on games though. Right
now we are also looking at this hyptheisis on life. Using our morals as
rules to see if they make a pattern. From the reasearch so far that we
have done it says tey do create a pattern. Right now all we need is game
supplies and voulenteers (so we can survey them). We are also in search of
a mentor that could help us out with this project.
Team Members
Team Mail
Sponsoring Teacher(s)
Project Mentor(s)