Team Number: 026
School Name: Cliff High School
Area of Science: Enviormental Science
Project Title: Water Chemistry in Gila
Water chemistry variables such as the levels of Nitrogen and Phosphorus
are standard methods of monitoring a river's health. The water's chemical
composition can potentially affect the plant and animal life. This
especially holds true with Nitrogen and Phosphorus due to the process of
Water samples are measured for Nitrogen and Phosphorus for the most
reliable and accurate data, and samples must be tested within 24 hours
(also samples that are tested within this 24 hour benchmark serve as the
control since samples are tested at intervals of 24 hours). In the field,
immediate testing can often be impossible. The mathematical model and
computer program will allow accurate prediction for samples tested after
the "24 hour limit".
Team Members
Sponsoring Teacher(s)
Project Mentor(s)