AiS Challenge Team Abstract
Team Number: 033
School Name: Farmington High School
Area of Science: Physics
Project Title: The Third Reich
During World War II the Germans attempted to make an air vortex cannon
capable of firing vortices that could take allied aircrafts out of the
sky. The purpose of this project is to model what size vortex it would
take to take down a B-17 Bomber. To do this we will first model the force
that will be necessary to stop a B-17 from flying. After we have made
these calculations we will calculate the forces neccessary to create these
vortices on the ground. Physics will be used to calculate the force of
the vortex and the force it exerts on the plane. C++ programming will be
used to solve the equations and model the vortex graphically.
Team Members
Team Mail
Sponsoring Teacher(s)
Project Mentor(s)