AiS Challenge Team Abstract
Team Number: 045
School Name: Manzano High School
Area of Science: Fire Math
Project Title: Fire Age (Name Pending)
The purpose of out project is to be able to calculate
the spread of fire. We intend to include fine details, including: the
altitude, current
climate, wind speeds the slope or incline of the area, the structures in
the path that the fire will or may spread to, and growth in the area. The
data input will be based of of a topographical map. We intend to use C++
and possibly some assembly for math; doing so we wish to have the final
project in the form of a Graphical User Interface (GUI.) From the
begining, however, we intend to start with a plain, leaving all other
details as fixed variables.
Team Members
Team Mail
Sponsoring Teacher
Project Mentor(s)