Team Number: 072
School Name: To'hajiilee Community School
Area of Science: Environmental Science
Project Title: Water Contamination
Purpose of project: As To'hajiilee youth, we find our health important and for the sake and the over all future of our health we strongly feel that our water should be contaminant free. We understand that we have limited knowledge of health risks, however, we would like to attain further knowledge by sampling and investigating th community's water. In addition, our team has arranged to work with the Navajo Environmental Protection Agency, as well as our local Community Health Representatives to inform the communtiy about the water contaminants.
Plan of Action/Methodology: We will contact the Navajo Environmental Protection Agency, the Community health representatives, and local water systems analysts to find out information about any studies or past water samples that were taken since last year. We will identify the leading contaminant in our water and develop a mathematical problem concerning contaminant increase/decrease from each month. In addition, We would like to assist these environmental angencies in getting water samples and learn how to test and analyze the water sample procedures. Furthermore, we would like to publish a report with the supercomputing challenge on ouw findings and present it to our community.
Team Members
Sponsoring Teacher(s)
Project Mentor(s)