After debating over a project topic, we realized that we wanted to focus on supersonic objects.
We decided that this was a relevant topic not only for our advancing society, but for our surroundings. Alamogordo is placed near Holloman Air Force Base, where the last existing supersonic ground track is found. Our research started with the information highway utilizing websites from NASA and other reputable sources. We then proceeded by researching the variables pertaining to supersonic speeds and drag. This gave us the information base we needed to start building our project. We slowly developed our project while learning about the equations used and the variables within those equations. After understanding these components, we built our program to exude the correct information and results.
Problem Definition and Hypothesis
Our project problem was to determine which geometric shape would be the most efficient, both in energy and in performance, at supersonic velocities. The four shapes we chose to predict the most efficient were the cube, rectangular prism, cone, and cylinder. We shall also find the most efficient geometric shape that is put under certain conditions such as elevation and drag.
Our group predicted that the cone shape figure would be the most efficient at supersonic speeds. We predicted this object because its cone shape will give the least resistance against air, making it more efficient than the others at supersonic speeds.
We believe that we can find a solution to our problem through our program. We also believe that our program will support our predictions. Our predictions of the results are as follows:
The cone will be the most efficient object at an altitude of about 10,000 feet. We believe that the cone will effectively eliminate drag and that at 10,000 feet; the air will be dense enough to create sufficient lift. Our predictions are based on the performances of rockets and missiles.
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