Team Number: 026
School Name: Cliff High School
Area of Science: Enviormental Science
Project Title: Water Chemistry in Gila
When testing the health of a river a person tests many variables.
Two of these variables are Nitrogen and Phosphorus. Nitrogen and
Phosphorus must be tested rather quickly after collection to get accurate
results. This can be a problem when you are out working in the field or other
places where you may not want to take your equipment or don’t have any
batteries. We are trying to devise a formula that you can use to calculate
what the nitrogen or phosphorus would be after a couple of days based on
other variables. We plan to use Temperature and ph and others if we see that they
change the level of either nitrogen or phosphorus. So far we have collected data from 2 sites
and plan to do most of our testing from the gila. We have not yet come up with a mathmatical
Team Members
Sponsoring Teacher(s)
Project Mentor(s)