Team Number: 030
School Name: Clovis High School
Area of Science: Music Theory and Mathematics
Project Title: The Exploration Concerning The Precepts Of Music Theory/Composition and the Corrolation of Musical Patterns and the Mathematical Concepts Contained Within
Given the inherently mathematical nature of music we want to attempt to restate its common laws and determine if and if so how the precepts have changed through time. Music has been defined by many through the analysis of the works of famous composers. The rules of harmony and melody were codified based on the works of Johann Sebastian Bach and remain the basis for studies of theory. Our goal is to define music within mathematical principles. By doing this we hope to have a computer program to respon musically to a users input.Progress to Date:
We have done a great deal of research most of which are college theses of MIT. We have also found a particular website that will provide a great deal of reference material. We have located a mentor who seems to be very interested in what we have been doing. He was a challenge participant a couple of years ago. He also has some very interesting ideas which might actually redirect us to a new position of our problem. We have developed a plan to start coding music and have contemplated a set of musical rules(this is still being argued upon) to set within our program. We have had a late start and some member changes which have slowed us down greatly. But eventhough most everything is in the planning stages, we are determined to solve our problems.Expected Results:
When we are finished we hope to generate a program that will create a harmony with an actual build up of chords. For example when the note in the melody is "do" the chord build up of the harmony will be "do, mi, sol" or the basic tonic triad. For the second part of the program a set of rules will allow a computer to create a musical answer to a question melody.
Team Members
Sponsoring Teacher
Project Mentor