Team Number: 78
School Name: Yucca Jr. High School
Area of Science: Humans
Project Title: Teen Pregnancy
In our latest research we have discovered that most teens have been getting pregnant in the United States with a percent rate of 97.4% in the year of 1996. Birthrate was higher in 1995 than in 1970 because most of the people getting pregnant were teens. At a yearly rate, at least 1 million teens will become pregnant each year. Most teens do not want to become pregnant. Most teen mothers who get pregnant are white, but not far behind them are the African American and Hispanic.
Have you ever thought that you and your friends maybe pregnant... Most teens aren't watching whom they are around and why they are with guys. Girls are becoming pregnant when they just start collage and they wont be able to pay for any child because they donut have enough money. A lot of adults aren't ready for the responsibility of raising of a child. They just get out of high school, and they really donut know what to do with their life. But one question has many answers. Why do many teens have sex when they know what will happen after they have had sex? Discovering the answer is the goal of our research.
We want to find a country with low teenage birthrates. Analyzing the data from this country, we hope to identify the variables that will help to lower the teenage pregnancy birthrate in the United States.
Team Members
Sponsoring Teacher(s)
Project Mentor(s)