AiS Challenge


Weekly AiS Challenge Updates

Monday, April 14

Hope everyone is all excited about the Expo and Awards Ceremony Monday and Tuesday the 21st and 22nd!

See for the housing list.

See for the schedule of events. Plan to be at the Research Park in Los Alamos a half hour before your presentation time so that you can get parked and set up. Don't forget a parking permit:

In general, if you are coming to Los Alamos Sunday night, your presentation time will be between 8:30 and 10:00 and if you are coming to Los Alamos on Monday morning, your presentation time will be between 10:00 and 11:30. Check the web sited Wednesday evening for sure.

After you have made your presentation, you will have about a half hour to put your valuables back in your vehicles (including cell phones) so that you will be ready to go on tours of the Laboratory.

Bring your bathing suit if you want to take advantage of the Larry R. Walkup Aquatic Center's Olympic size pool as a way to relax on Monday night.

See for the map and directions to the hotel(s) and events.

The finalist teams will be posted Wednesday evening at and the schedule of presentations will be updated at that time.

If you have any other questions, please send an email to and we'll try to get you a quick answer.

David & Eric, of the AiS Challenge Consult Management Team AiS Challenge Consulting

Monday, April 7

Happy Monday!

Topics: Final Reports, Expo Presentations and Posters, Reservation Confirmations, HTML Award, and Scholarship applications.

We received 40 final reports. Great work! Pat yourselves on your backs! You have completed a long term project and that is a major accomplishment. Final Reports (PDF files) are up on the web at

The whole packet of reports, over 600 pages, were copied free of charge by Kinko's and mailed out to the Finalist judges in Las Cruces, Los Alamos and Albuquerque. The judges will have a conference call on Wednesday, April 16th. About six teams will be chosen then as finalists based on their written reports. Other finalist teams will be chosen at the Expo on Monday, morning, April 21st. For details on the Expo, please go to:

Every team attending the Expo will give a presentation on their work to a panel of judges on Monday, April 21st. The one half-hour presentation includes time for the judges to discuss your work with them. A display board which summarizes your work is a requirement. You may use a computer in your presentation if you wish. There is a $100 award for the best display board. The design from the display board becomes the cover of the Finalist Reports, the collection of reports from the finalist teams. It is printed during the summer and will be distributed at next fall's Glorieta Kickoff.

Remember to prepare a poster with a graphics design for next year's logo. There is a $100 award for this poster which becomes the design for the web page and Tee Shirts and everywhere the AiS Challenge logo appears.

If you have registered to join the celebration in Los Alamos, please go to and confirm your rooming assignments.

An award is given for the best Final Report in HTML format. That deadline to submit that is Monday, April 14.

Juniors and seniors, if you haven't already, today is the day you need to mail in your scholarship applications to

New Mexico Technet,
5912 Jefferson NE
Albuquerque, NM

Information on scholarships is available at

Again, congratulations on the Final Reports. We are looking forward to seeing you in Los Alamos.

Celia and Betsy for Consult

Monday, March 31

Happy Monday Morning!

There are two important deadlines on this Wednesday, April 2: Final Reports and Registration for Awards Day.

If you are needing some last minute help with your final report, first look here

Please register to join us in Los Alamos, April 20-22, or April 21-22, depending on how far away you are from Los Alamos. The deadline is also April 2nd. We need that much time to make reservations at the hotels. Please once again be timely!

Information about scholarships can be found here: Scholarship applications are due at New Mexico Technet on Wednesday, April 9.

New Mexico Technet
5918 Jefferson NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109

All those received after that deadline may not make it to the judges, so please make sure we receive them in a timely manner.

Check out the pictures for the Sandia Lab tour:

Here is a note from Pamela Saltwater, Shiprock about the tour:

Good Day,

I'm glad both schools were represented at the Sandia Labs. I have two favorite presentations. They were the Water dilemma in Albuquerque and the SAR. Both presentations were very interesting and I'm pleased to learn about them.

War in Iraq

As we observe the war in Iraq, it is important to view the news from a variety of perspectives and examine ALL news with an understanding that bias may exist in the reporting. It is up to you as an intelligent observer, to examine all sides and come to conclusions based on logic and careful analysis.

Below are some links to news agencies and newspapers from around the globe. If you have other links or resources you would like to add to this list, please send them to Art Wolinksy whose address is:

War With Iraq Resources

We are looking forward to seeing those final reports and celebrating with you in Los Alamos

Celia y Betsy for Consult

Monday, March 24

Good Day,

Many thanks for our friends at Sandia National Labs for organizing the tour, last Thursday! Thanks go to Tom Laub and Eleanor Walther for their assistance. Alamogordo and Shiprock were represented. Students, do write and tell us what your favorite parts of the tour were!

Our web page is updated for Expo 03 in Los Alamos. All participants submitting a final report are invited to the Awards Expo at Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Your team can register at


This year there is a $100 award for the individual(s) who design the best display board. The winning design will also serve as the cover for the publication of the compiled finalists' reports.

Please read all the details for Expo 03 and Awards Day at

Please try to meet the proposed deadlines as they really assist us in planning and implementing the conclusion of our AiS Challenge year.

Our wishes are with any of our families who may have soldiers over in Iraq and we hope that peace and freedom prevail.

Celia for Consult

Monday, March 17

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Hope you are wearing the green; we wouldn't want to have to pinch you.

First, start planning to attend Expo 03 at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Check out your deadlines, formats, lodging details, etc. at

Today, we are going to talk to you about your final report, due April 2nd at noon, and we are not fooling about that date. The afternoon of April 2nd, we take all the final reports, which will have no staples and are not faxed, to be printed to mail out to the final judges. The judges have a conference call on April 16th so the faster we can get your final reports to them, the longer they have to read and think about them.

Start thinking about entering the Best HTML version of a final report, due April 11th. And juniors and seniors, please start thinking about applying for a scholarship. You need a couple letters from your teammates and your teacher sponsor and then there is an interview in Los Alamos. We are proud to have $36,000.00 to share and want to award every penny this year!

This week several schools will be going to Sandia Labs Tour Day. It promises to be a good day. Thank you to Sandia's Tom Laub for getting this arranged for us.

Happy Monday.

Monday, March 10

AiS Challenge Community,

You have 22 days to complete your Final Report for the AiS Challenge year. That includes weekends also, so you really have under three weeks. Please click on this:
to get the directions for doing the report.

The regional evaluations are all concluded and you should have received some written feedback from the judges. Please let us know if you have not yet received that.

Having trouble finding a mathematical model? Right off the students' page on our challenge page is:
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics

It might help you with a mathematical model. Remember your good searching techniques and search using quotes and the plus sign to get information say on golf + "mathematical model" in your favorite search engine. Then just cite the information you found to your final report. Make a copy of that url using notepad or whatever and you are on your way.

Celia for Consult

Monday, March 3


This coming Friday, March 7, is the deadline to sign up for Sandia Tour on March 20. From this link to News, , please scroll down to Feb. 10 for all the details. The Challenge will pay for buses and overnight motel costs if financial assistance is necessary for your school to attend.

It is time to be thinking about summer plans. Here is a great opportunity for students who will be juniors and seniors:
If you think you would like to investigate this, please let me know so that I can connect you personally with the director. This program is supported by Siemens. There is substantial financial aid for this program.

Students through Grade 9, be sure to look at this site:
Again, this is a Siemens supported program and there is financial assistance available.

Teachers, this is a link to a program at UNM.
Unfortunately, the deadline for applying is today, but perhaps if you phone and talk with them there may be an opportunity for late filing.

And, we are still going ahead with our plans for a Summer Teacher Institute for AiSC. We are working hard on finding funding and remain hopeful.

Have a great week.

Betsy and Celia for Consult

Monday, February 24

Challenge Community:

Congratulations to teams for completing Interim Evaluations. The Evaluation is an important milestone in the Challenge Year.

The next milestone is five weeks away: Final Reports are due on Wednesday, April 2.

Please remember to get your reservations for the Sandia Tour Day, Thursday, March 20, into Tom Laub at Sandia National Labs. His email address is Complete directions for reservations and request for assistance (buses, motel room, etc.) can be found at our News Flashes link at for February 10th.

Are you an encryption wonk? Check out what the Swiss have done with the Secure Socket Layer:

Interested in the Hubble Telescope's latest finding? Check out:

And how about those amazing Monarch Butterflies that didn't get killed in the cold weather?

Are you thinking long term of a career developing a hydrogen engine?

Have a great week!


Tuesday, February 18

AiS Challenge Community!

Hope you enjoyed your three day weekend!

Two items:

  1. Joe Watts, Regional Evaluation and Finals Judge, from Los Alamos Lab, wants to motivate you to find the time to finish your project! Many of you had a regional evaluation on the 8th and the rest of you are having one on the 20th or 22nd. This is a time to really reflect on your project and dig deep into that pocket of ambition and really find the time and energy to complete your commitment to the AiS Challenge. It is difficult to do a long term project and Joe was proud of what he saw at Alamogordo High.

    The teams have done much work, but with the advice of Dennis Padilla, another judge and Joe, they have work to do before the final report is due on April 2nd. It is like the last push before you finish the "race." You need to look at your research, mathematical model, code, final report, and presentation. It is like finals and speech class and science class and math class and English all rolled into one! But we urge you to complete this project. If there is any way consult can help, please write to us at

    Please check out the current schedule for the regional evaluations if you are on for this week

  2. Please get information needed for the Sandia Tour on the 20th.
    You can either fax or email this information to
    Attn: Tom Laub FAX Number 505-844-0092
    or email at

    Details for what is needed can be found at our News Flashes link at for February 10th

We hope your area is getting some of this needed rain this week. What do you think of this painting entitled, New Mexico Rain, at

Celia for Consult

Monday, February 10

Good Morning!

The good news in this message is the announcement of the Second Spring Sandia Labs Tour. This was a very successful event last year and we hope many of you will be able to attend. The registration is limited and on a first come first served basis. Please follow the registration requirements carefully.

Sandia National Labs will host a tour day for participants in the AIS Challenge on March 20, 2003.

Students are eligible to come to the tour day if their team has submitted an interim report and participated in the regional judging. Participants MUST be US citizens.

Space is limited to 60 AiS participants and registration will be on a first come first serve basis. There is financial support available for busses and lodging for those schools traveling long distances (so they can spend the night on Wednesday). We will meet off-base and be bussed on base with Sandia Lab transportation. We will meet at 8:30 AM. (I will let you know of the location in a later email). We will be finished by 3:00 PM. Lunch will be provided.

Please coordinate your participation through your sponsoring teacher so I have one form per school.

I need the following information for every participant:

Social Security Number
Date of Birth
School Name
School Address
Team Number

The Social Security Number and Date of Birth are critical as they are needed to get visitor badges for access to Sandia National Labs Technical Areas. In addition, all participants wishing to go on the tour MUST have a photo ID to be admitted to Kirtland Air Force base and be badged by Sandia National Labs.

Please only make a reservation if you will be able to attend as space is limited. I need your reservation by March 7, 2003.

You can either fax or email this information to me.

Attn: Tom Laub FAX Number 505-844-0092
send me an email at

The attached invitation says to phone me but I much prefer email as I am often away from my desk and an email gives me a record to keep.

If you need support for a bus or lodging please email me with the cost of transportation and the students names.

We are looking forward to seeing you on March 20, or evening of March 19. This is a great opportunity.

Betsy for

Monday, February 3

We thank everyone for responding to the questions about the dates for the Awards Expo and Awards Ceremony in April. After discussing the input, we have decided to keep the Expo date the same, April 21st, with the Awards Ceremony on the morning of April 22nd.

Teams from more than 100 miles away will be invited to come to Los Alamos on Sunday April 20th, which is Easter Sunday. We will work with any team that would have difficulty getting to Los Alamos by noon on Monday the 21st, as the Expo (where each team presents their project to a small team of judges during a 30 minute time slot), will run from 8:30 am until noon or so.

Remember that the final reports need to be at NM Technet in Albuquerque on April 2nd where they will be copied and distributed to the judges. The judges will evaluate the final reports and select six finalist teams that will present their projects to the group of about 15 judges on Monday April 21st. The other (we hope) fifty teams will present their projects at the Expo and another four teams will be selected as finalists from the Expo presentations and they will present their projects to the group of 15 judges on Monday afternoon.

Project Evaluations February 8th (this weekend) or February 22nd!

Please check the web site to see when (and where) your team will present what you have done on your project so far. Please be there a half hour before your scheduled time slot to give yourselves plenty of time to set up. Plan for a 20 minute presentation followed by 10 minutes of questions and answers.

As always, if you have any questions, email

David, AiS Challenge Consulting

Monday, January 27

Good Morning!

We need your ideas about a scheduling issue that has come up about the Awards Day activities. It turns out that the Sunday evening we have scheduled for teams to arrive in Los Alamos is Easter. Can you please discuss this and let us know if this will affect your team(s)?

We are thinking of a couple of different solutions. One is to move everything forward one day so the travel day would be Monday, the judging Tuesday, and the Awards on Wednesday morning. This does involve more time away from school. The dates would be April 21,22 and 23.

Another idea is to move it up one week to April 27,28, 29.

And finally, leave it as is.

Please write to us as soon as you can, and not later than February 3, about your school's preference.

How are your preparations for Interim Evaluations coming along? Here is an overview of the process. Your team is scheduled to present at a particular time for one-half hour. You can have the previous one-half hour to set up for the presentation. You can use the computer and projector provided or you can bring your own. Generally each site will have the most recent version of the Office suite. If you have special needs or just want to be sure that what you are planning will work with the available resources, you can write to consult and we will double check for you.

The form that the judges use is useful in planning what to cover in the interim:

Hope things are going well. Things are starting to look up a rescued pygmy sperm whale - read all about it:

Until next week,

Betsy and Celia for

Monday, January 20

Happy Martin Luther King's Birthday!

Did you know that all of King's speeches are online? Here are some wav files of some portions of them:

The schedule for February Project Evaluations is posted at

Please check to see when and where your team is to present. If you haven't already, please write to to confirm your time and date or to let consult know of any problems. The evaluation form the judges will be using is located at This will help you plan your 30 minute presentation.

Consult would also like to hear from any teachers who would be interested in the AiS Challenge Summer Teacher Institute. Currently, we are searching for funding and would like to hold the program in August. Please drop us a note and let us know if you would be interested in joining us. Tentative plans have us based in southern New Mexico, perhaps Ruidoso!

Betsy, Celia, and David for Consult

Monday, January 6

Happy New Year! Only 346 shopping days left till Christmas and only until 340 Hanukah! And less than a month for you to prepare for your project evaluations. We recommend that you have a practice presentation at your school in January. Check out some ideas on that at

We were pleased to see so many interims on our web site! One of our volunteer mentors will be contacting you with feedback on your interim. Please read their comments and reply so that they know you have seen the message. You may ask them for clarification or other questions about your work.

We are finalizing the dates for the project evaluations which will be held at a school or college or university near you. Team members will make an oral presentation, not to exceed 30 minutes, to a team of Challenge judges so that the judges can better understand their project, review progress and offer advice and direction on overcoming obstacles or finding additional resources.

NOTE: All team members do not have to be present - but it is highly recommended that they be there if not competing elsewhere.

The tentative dates and locations are:

Saturday, February 8, 2003 through Saturday, February 22, 2003

Saturday, February 8, 2003 - Eastern New Mexico University
Saturday, February 8, 2003 - Alamogordo High School
Saturday, February 8, 2003 - Silver High School
Saturday, February 15, 2003 - University of New Mexico - Abq.
Saturday, February 22, 2003 - San Juan College
Saturday, February 22, 2003 - New Mexico Tech

We will assume you will be going to the site nearest your school. If you need to present at a different site or you need a different date, write to as soon as possible so we can be sure to have the right number of judges at each location. If for some reason you will not be attending an evaluation, please let us know so that we can adjust the schedule of presentations.

We hope things are going well and judge from the Interims that you are on track. Keep up the good work!

Science Note: This coming Friday, January 17, the Columbia space shuttle will be launched. This is a scientific research flight. You can read about it There are links on that page to web cam video to watch the launch and to follow its progress.

Betsy and Celia for Consult

Monday, December 16

Dear Challenge Teachers and Students:

As 2002 winds down we look forward to 2003 and the second half of the 2002-2003 Challenge Year. We hope you will get your reports to us by week's end at the latest. As always, let us know if we can help. You can check back into recent Monday Morning Messages for the links to specific help with submitting interims or you can check the links off the home page.

Looking ahead: In order to prepare for February Project Evaluations, in January you may wish to schedule a Peer Review at your school with other students and perhaps community members (teachers, families) to look at your presentation for the judges. If you do this a few days before you are scheduled to present to the judges, it will help you practice presenting and help you see where something is clear to you but not to your audience. The bigger your audience, the more likely you are to use that pressure to make your presentation clear and strong.

I've just returned from the Siemens Westinghouse Finals. You can read about the regional and national event at One remark that one of last year's winners made that I thought was interesting was to the effect that what kept him pursuing his project was his interest in his topic. The competition, he said, just gave him a little more of a push but that essentially it wasn't about the contest. It was about his passion for the work he was doing.

We hope that you will all have a relaxing and energizing winter holiday. Some of us from Consult will be online over the break so write if you wish.


Betsy and Celia for Consult

Monday, December 9

Two more weeks to work on your Interim Report! Copy your abstract file on mode, call it interim.html, and make the necessary changes to the interim.html file to show the progress your team has made since Glorieta, where you are now, and what your future plans are. Then submit it, just like you submitted your abstract at Glorieta before you leave for Christmas break. The Interims are due on December 20, 2002.

Why are Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories interesting in developing more people who are familiar with supercomputers?

Read the article in the Albuquerque Tribune (one of the AiS Challenge sponsors):

Los Alamos and Sandia national laboratories have six of the 50 fastest computers in the world. The ASCI Bluemountain machine that has been on the April Awards day tour for the last three years was the fastest in the world in 1998 but today is ranked 78th. The two new Q machines at Los Alamos are ranked number two and three, but as Mike Davis of Cray announced at the Glorieta kickoff, when Red Storm gets installed at Sandia in 2004, it is expected to be ranked the fastest computer in the world.

Just one of the Q machines is 2,000 times faster that the Cray supercomputer used during the first Supercomputing Challenge in 1990.

Remember to check out the Summer Programs link at the bottom of the Students page on the AiS Challenge web site.

Still looking for more mentors? Check out SCIMAST Online Mentoring Project for Math and Science Teachers, which is sponsored by the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL). The URL of the service is

David, AiS Challenge Consulting,

Monday, December 2

Good Morning!

It is hard to believe that it is December and that the winter holiday is three weeks away. As you all know, that means you have three good weeks to work on your project and then write up what you have done for your interim report which is due before you leave for vacation. Questions? Write to You can also refer to recent issues of the Monday Morning Message which can be found from News Flash on our home page, and which has several references for the interim report.

Have you been in touch with your mentors? I know many of you have. Sometimes when you get a message from a mentor you don't have time right then to reflect on what she or he is writing about. However, so they they know you have received the message (and to be polite!) it would be good to reply immediately to say thank you and let them know you received the message. Even if you decide not to use the mentor's help, please let them know you heard from them and appreciate their time. Just a couple of sentences make all the difference.

We are always urging you to look ahead, and here I go! I'm going to be in Washington DC this weekend for the finals of the Siemens Westinghouse Competition. One of the meetings I will attend will be about planning for funding for next summer. There will be money available to you for full or partial scholarships to attend summer math/science camps in Texas and Michigan and in other sites that you may discover by checking out the lists below. Teachers, this means you, too! We expect to have our own Summer Teacher Institute but there are other options, too.

Some of these camps are focused towards students who are talented in math/science and others are directed towards students who are interested in math and science or technology careers and who think they need more background. And remember the NASA opportunity we talked about a couple of weeks ago.

This is the NASA SHARP program:

This one is in Texas:

This one is at the University of Michigan:

This one is at University in Texas and is for Mid School and High School students:

This is a list of camps around the country:

Be thinking about what you would like to do next summer. If you know now that one of these opportunities is of interest to you, please let us know so that we can start working out the details for you.

Betsy and Celia for Consult

Monday, November 25

Good Day!

May your turkey be moist and your thoughts be thankful! Here are some recipes for the chefs at your home:

Got that project mentor yet?

Is your research done and written in proper bibliographical style? Check out this online bibliography tool:

This one is more complete and has great quotes at the top of each lesson:
The section on Basic Search Tips is quite good.

Do you realize that you have less than a month to turn in your team's interim report?

Check out interims from last year:

Did you know that the deadline for applying for a summer employment at Sandia is November 30th? Please go to the Sandia web site at If you apply, please send a copy of your resume to Eleanor Walther at

Science News:
Black Holes -
Man's Best Friend: their history and how they learn: and

All of us at consult wish you and yours a great Thanksgiving.

Betsy y Celia for Consult

Monday, November 18

Good Morning!

We are proud of our 2000 and 2001 Challenge Winners who competed in the

Siemens Westinghouse Regional Competition in Austin Texas this weekend. Joelle Joans, Joan Goldsworthy, and Heather Wood were team runners-up. This is a very tough competition and they are the first AiS Challenge team to make it to the regionals. Congratulations to Joelle, Joan and Heather, and their teacher, Neil McBeth. Naveen N. Sinha from Los Alamos was the first place individual winner. He will represent the region in the individual competition in Washington, DC in early December. We will send congratulations to Naveen, too. It is really a milestone for NM to have a representative at the Siemens Finals. Full report is at

Our Willard Smith, NASA and TN State, sends us information about a terrific summer opportunity with NASA. SHARP is an acronym for the NASA Summer High School Apprenticeship Research Program. Here is the link: Remember that it is these kinds of experiences that give you an edge for financial support while you are in college and help you think about college and career planning.

We will be continuing to let you know about summer internships, math and science workshops and camps. These links are on our web page, You can find their information about summer opportunities at Los Alamos and Sandia.

Research, mentors, and abstract focus are your tasks this month.. Please let us know if you need any help in these areas. We think you need to have referred to five resources in your Interim Report. A mentor will bring you needed expertise, math modeling or programming assistance. If you have not had an on-line focus from one of our great judges or mentors, please let us know.

Only ten more days until Thanksgiving! Remember your interim reports are due before your winter break. Do you know how to submit them to mode? Go to your bookmarked, I am sure, AiS Challenge page and check out html tips in the Technical Guide or click here The bottom of that page reminds you how to post your web pages via mode and how to view them once they are posted.

Leonid Meteor Showers For an overview, check out CNNs links:

And for local information, In the ABQ Journal this morning it said the best time for NM to watch is between 3 and 4 AM Tuesday. Look above the horizon and away from the moon. The meteors can be seen throughout the sky. There will be another Leonid shower in 2098, and so most of us should probably try to take advantage of tomorrow morning's opportunity!

Back at CNN, you can see the most detailed images ever of the sun, a solar masterpiece, unveiling golden swirls that resemble the work of Vincent Van Gogh.

Are you getting used to the time change? Here is a simple page about the history, traditions surrounding daylight savings:

Remember to stay in touch if you need help. We are enjoying hearing about the progress you are making.

Betsy y Celia for Consult

Monday, November 11

AiSC Community!

I hope that you are already started on work that can be shown in your interim report, due December 20th, before you go to Winter Break. It should contain your focus, mathematical model and research findings. You can use these guidelines for research.

Citing Sources

When writing a paper for a conference, you would cite every paper/reference that you consulted, and in the paper every time you got information from one of the references you would cite them. Otherwise you run the risk of it looking like you copied someone else's work. As general guidelines:

  • verbatim material from another source should appear (if short) in quotes, or (if long) with indented margins, and should include a reference.

  • cite the work where the key ideas is described in your paper (ie. don't just put a reference at the end of a paragraph for everything in the paragraph).

  • don't cite every sentence. A good style is to cite a reference (quote or just a general idea) and then expand on that idea in your own words. If you quote every sentence, I would wonder what contribution your paper has to the field and why I am not just reading all the papers that you quoted instead.

  • you can cite with numbers (ie. [1]) or with the author's name and the date of the publication ie. [Fisk:2001], whichever you feel is a better style for your paper. Then at the end you would have a list of the references:
    [1] Fisk, Gina, "Paper Title", where published, when published, page numbers.

    [2] Kratzer, David, "Another Paper Title", where published, when published, page numbers.

    [3] Smith, Joe, "Book Title", publisher, address, date, pages.


This part of your final report will then be already completed!

National Poster Contest

The National Cyber Security Alliance is sponsoring a Kids Improving Security poster contest. Information on the contest can be found online:

As you know, it's getting harder and harder to protect our computers from hackers, viruses, etc. It's also becoming more important to do just that. This poster contest encourages kids to learn about simple security actions that can be taken to protect themselves.

So submit an entry for this contest.

Focus from Mentors, Judges, Etc.

You should have already heard or will shortly be hearing from our mentors about your abstracts. Please respond in a timely, polite manner.

Please let us know if you want a visit to your school this month. If you do not yet have a mentor, please check our mentor database at or write to for assistance. Successful AisC teams count part of their success on having an appropriate mentor. Find one today! S(he) is an email away!

Celia for Consult

Monday, November 4

AiSC Community!

Each team will be receiving an abstract focus from our kickoff instructors, mentors, or judges via email in the next two weeks. Please write back to them with any questions and thank them for their time and really do take their advice!!!

Please let Consult know if your team wants a school visit this month. We would love to meet your principal, sit and work with you on your project, help you find a mentor, or enjoy lunch with you in your cafeteria. .

It is time for you to think about attending a summer science or math camp. Please consider the Science Summer program at at New Mexico Tech in Socorro or the Upward Bounc Math and Science Program, in Arlington, Texas! We are hoping that through our partnership with Siemens Westinghouse, we can offer scholarships for these programs. Please let us know today, if you are interested.

There was an article about the AiS Challenge in the Albuquerque Trib. Please check it out at

You might want to get some press about your project with your local newspaper. This would be a great way for you to clearly explain your project and get some community report. Please let us know if you get published!

For those of you in the Albuquerque area:

The New Mexico Academy of Science was founded in 1902, ten years before New Mexico became a state. They are celebrating the Academy's 100th anniversary at a conference that will highlight New Mexico scientists and educators, and scientific solutions to problems facing our state and nation.

November 16, 2002
7:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Sheraton Old Town
800 Rio Grande Blvd NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Info at:

Happy November to you all!

Celia for Consult

Monday, October 29


You have successfully completed the first phases of the New Mexico Adventures in Supercomputing Challenge. You have registered with your team, participated in the Kickoff in Glorieta, and submitted an abstract for your project. Now the work begins!

This is the time to do research on your topic. You need at least five sources for your final report. Don't forget that books, articles, interviews are as important as Internet sources!

Please look for a mentor in your community. Check out the mentor page at Don't forget to look at the bottom of the page at our online mentor database. Work with your teacher and team to decide what kind of assistance you need and how you will word your request to these volunteers.

Please let consult ( know if you need a mentor or if you would like a school visit in November.

The abstracts will be up on the web within a few days and a judge, instructor, or mentor will contact your team by email with some comments about your abstract and suggestions about where to go from here. Please write back to them if you wish clarification.

We congratulate the 2000 and 2001 AiS Challenge team from Sandia Prep, Joan Goldsworthy, Joelle Jones, and Heather Wood for placing in the regionals for the Siemens Westinghouse competition. You go, girls! We are rooting for you to make it to the top! Sophomores and juniors, you will be eligble next summer to enter the competition. Please see:

We also had good news that we received a grant from Lockhead Martin this week. Thanks for heading up that effort, judge Eleanor Walther!

It is time to apply for summer internships at Sandia and Los Alamos. is the link for information about programs at Sandia. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the contact for high school students. links to opportunities at Los Alamos. Remember to write to if you need more information.

So, keep those cards and letters coming and best of luck with your research. and focusing work this week!

Betsy y Celia for Consult

Monday, October 21

No Message -- Kickoff Conference in Progress.

Monday, October 14

AiS Challenge Community,

A week from today we will be together learning and teaching about computational science and the AiS Challenge year. Please let know about any bus drivers, chaporenes, you haven't told us about, any changes, etc.asap.

Here are the directions to Glorieta:

First, take I-25 and get off at exit 299. From the south, go over the overpass then turn left on the frontage road which leads directly into the Glorieta Conference Center. From the north, jog right then left onto the frontage road which leads directly into the Glorieta Conference Center.

Here is an online map to help you find us in the Santa Fe Room:

Registration is as easy at 1,2, 3.

  1. First register for your rooms at New Mexico Hall, the main office of the conference center.
  2. Then AiS Challenge registration will take place in room 9 in the Patio/Chapel area.
  3. Log in and collect your t-shirt before the Opening.

Please review, once again, the Glorieta rules at:

Some extensions and reminders on the schedule;

We are working on a thematic approach with a West Nile Virus computational science model.
Your math modeling, Unix and programming classes will fit in with your math and programming experience.
You will have approximately nine hours of instruction!
You get to choose to view a video or work on your project abstract in the evening.
Curfew is at 11.
Computational Science Fair and Your Future during lunch on Monday
Keynote with Dale Alverson, "Supercomputing in your future, From here to the Cosmos"

We are excited to be starting the 13th lucky year of the AiS Challenge. Welcome aboard!


Monday, October 7

AiSC (Adventures in Supercomputing Challenge) Community!

We are looking forward to seeing you all within two weeks at Glorieta Conference Center.

Here are several deadlines, tips and questions for you:

  1. Take advantage of our judges' offer to help your team focus on your project's abstract. We are really hoping you have a focused, doable abstract but the time you leave Glorieta. Send it to Please look at teams' past abstracts at if you need some assistance.
  2. If you need assistance in choosing a project, please check out the AiS textbook at for ideas.
  3. Your Team Entry Authorization Form and $20 AiSC registration fee due for each student and teacher participating in the program due by October 11th at AiSC, New Mexico Technet, 5921 Jefferson NE, Albuquerque, NM, 87109.
  4. If your team needs assistance with transportation, please let consult know this week.
  5. Dr. Dale Alverson, UNM, is scheduled to be our keynote on Monday! Please check out his bio at
  6. We will be having a Computational Science and Your Future Fair during lunch on Monday. Please stop by the Santa Fe Room near the cafeteria.
  7. The emergency phone numbers at Glorieta are Toll-Free 888-366-5676 or long distance (505) 757-6161. You can reach Betsy Frederick on her cell at 505-220-5050, if necessary.
  8. Please remember to bring a warm jacket as it could be chilly. We will update you on the weather as the date nears.
  9. We are excited about the theme approach we are taking this year with our curriculum at Glorieta. Check out the activities and schedule at
  10. Keep those abstracts and questions coming! We hope this 13th year is the best so far!
Betsy y Celia for Consult

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