AiS Challenge 2003 STI :: Craps Simulation

  1. Real Problem: To determine, by experimental means, our chances of winning at the game of "craps".

  2. Working Problem: We will not make any simplifications to our simulation. The working problem will be identical to the real problem.

  3. Math Model: A pair of random numbers between 1 and 6 will be generated to simulate rolling the dice. Simple arithmetic, a sequence of logical comparisons, and possibly additional "rolls of the dice" will be needed to determine whether or not we win the game.

  4. Computational Model: There are, of course, MANY ways to program this problem. It may benefit you, however, to incorporate the following programming constructs; conditional statements, for loops, and a while loop. A boolean variable may be useful as well.

  5. Results/Conclusions: Verifying our results will be quite easy, as the exact probabilities are known from purely mathematical techniques.