
Here is the schedule for the Expo, Monday morning, April 26th

 TIME TABLE   TEAM        Expo Judges 

 8:30   A  Goddard    33, Allen, Cho, Harris, W. Smith
        C  Alamogordo 03, Middleditch, Martz, Lee
        F  Alamogordo 04, Baird, Davis, Lazo, Pazmino
        I  Alamogordo 05, Bennett, Douglas, McKerley
        K  Melrose    50, Berry, DeBenedictis, Prochnow
        N  Melrose    51, Bonugli, Rangel, Roberson
        Q  Cliff      18, Budge, Enter, Thomas
        S  Farmington 28, Chan, Giancola, D. Smith, Laub

 9:00   B  Yucca Jr. High 88, Middleditch, Allen, Harris, Lee
        D  Yucca Jr. High 89, Baird, Martz, W. Smith
        G  Bloomfield     11, Bennett, Davis, Lazo, Pazmino
        J  Shiprock       70, Berry, Douglas, McKerley
        L  Shiprock       71, Bonugli, DeBenedictis, Prochnow
        O  Shiprock       72, Budge, Rangel, Roberson
        R  Shiprock       73, Chan, Enter, Thomas, Laub
        T  Shiprock       79, Cho, Giancola, D. Smith

 9:30   C  Rio Vista Mid        61, Baird, Davis, Martz, Lee
        F  Rio Vista Mid        62, Bennett, Douglas, Middleditch
        H  Chaparral Elementary 15, Berry, DeBenedictis, McKerley, Laub
        K  Santa Fe             64, Budge, Enter, Roberson
        M  Santa Fe             65, Chan, Giancola, Thomas
        P  Santa Fe             66, Cho, Harris, D. Smith, W. Smith
        S  Santa Fe             67, Lazo, Pazmino, Allen

10:00   A  SER/SFPS Career Academy  69, Berry, Rangel, Roberson, Lee
        E  Alb Acad                 07, Cho, Lazo, Pazmino, Allen
        I  Alb Acad                 08, Martz, Middleditch, Laub
        O  Alb Acad                 09, Davis, McKerley, Baird, Douglas

10:30   B  Bosque         13, Berry, Bonugli, Budge, Allen, Laub
        G  Desert Academy 24, Chan, Cho, Middleditch
        J  Manzano        41, Davis, DeBenedictis, Douglas, Baird
        L  Manzano        43, Rangel, Enter, Giancola, Bennett
        P  Manzano        44, Harris, Lazo, Pazmino, Lee
        R  Manzano        45, Martz, McKerley, Prochnow
      canceled Manzano        46, Roberson, Thomas, D. Smith, W. Smith

11:00   D  Koogler             36, Allen, Chan, DeBenedictis, Rangel
        H  Koogler             40, Giancola, McKerley, Thomas, Middleditch
        M  Rio Rancho Mid High 59, Lazo, Pazmino, D. Smith, Baird, Laub

11:30 Judges caucus

12:30 Expo judges announce another four or so finalist teams
These presentations will be in room 203 in the Research Park adjacent to the Los Alamos National Laboratory. After their presentations, teams will be able to take tours of Los Alamos National Laboratory.