Graphics Poster Specifications
An optional graphics poster, whose artwork and catchy slogan
creatively embody the AiS Challenge program, may also be submitted by
your team at the Expo.
The poster should be designed on a single sheet of poster board. It
can be hand-drawn, designed on a computer, or created by a combination
of methods. There is an award for the individual(s) who design the
winning graphical poster.
The poster must be comprised of original artwork and text!
You may not copy or borrow pictures, artwork, slogans, etc. from any outside
source. At the Expo, all of the AiS Challenge participants will judge the
poster entries and select the winner.
The best graphics poster will serve as the AiS Challenge logo for
the next year, appearing on AiS Challenge letterhead, T-shirts, book bags,
and Web site.
See the past logos in the Archive.