Summer Teacher Institute (STI)
You can learn about previous STIs by browsing through our archive
We will be doing an on-line Institute,(a Webinar), with face-to-face meetings
at Highland High School in Albuquerque, between June 28th and July 9th.
- Research (The Big Six - An approach to information problem solving at
- Math modeling
- Star Logo
- Unix, using the mode machine for running programs and hosting web sites
- Java, Excel, ...
- Challenge year
- The proposed dates for the 2004-2005
- What the judges are looking for, 2003-2004 finalist rubric
Participants will work on collaborative projects online. Face to face meetings
will be in Albuquerque on June 28th and
July 9th.
The Syllabus and Instructors' biographies.
If you are interested in getting CREDIT for
participating in STI'04, please follow the instructions on this link.
Class files and notes
Math Modeling with Dick Allen
Population Module (ppt) and
Population Plot A (xls) files
A Model for Computational Science Investigations (ppt)
Falling Rock Model (Excel)
Starlogo with Irene Lee
Starlogo preparation for Wed. June 30th session at 10:30am
Litter Bug Starlogo program
July 1 chat session
July 2 chat session
Irene's Puzzle
Links and Comments on Math Modeling and Puzzles
July 2 chat sessionon the Puzzles
Excel with Nick Bennett
Down Under Theme Park Overview
Down Under Theme Park Overview
Down Under Theme Park
Kangaroo Model (Excel)
Microsoft Equation editor information
Falling Rock Model Excel.
Modified Falling Rock Model Excel.
Java with Nick Bennett
Sun Java links
The original file.
The updated file.
The original file.
The updated file.
The chat session July 1
The Java Assignment, July 1
The Java Assignment Response, July 1
The Java Question and Answer session, July 2
The Down Under Theme Park 04 Overview (pdf)
The Down Under Theme Park 04 Overview (ppt)
The Initial shell (minimal class file) for the Gauss
summation problem, July 7
The Java chat session, July 7
The completed class for the Gauss summation problem, July 7
Unix/mode with David Kratzer
Do the mode tutorial
to learn about some of the things that mode can be used for. Also see the
Challenge technical guide.
Abstract chat session June 30, 2004.
Other Topics
Chat session about Sample Projects
Friday, July 2
Sample Projects word document
Yahoo/WebCT transcript converter v1.2 instructions
Yahoo/WebCT transcript converter v1.2
Web Resources for Computer Science Education
Urban legends you don't need to believe
Is it a HOAX or not? No, don't sent
these to everyone in your address book!
Efficient Online Studying Tips
Project Tips
Chat session on judging July 8
Team Abstracts
Team 1, You Put What?? In My Water? Shirley, Pam, Betty, Mavis
Team 2, Mary had a little lamb Kyla, Dianne, Alan, Beckey, Netta
Team 3, Variable Gravity or How Much Do You Want to Weigh? Jeff and Dale
Chat session about Abstracts
Team Final Reports

Betty, Pam, Shirley, Mavis
Team 1, You Put What?? In My Water?
DRIP ppt for Ground Water project
Ground Water Starlogo code

Dianne, (Netta), Kyla, Beckey, Alan
Team 2, Mary had a little lamb
Churros Starlogo code

Dale and Jeff (not shown)
Team 3, Variable Gravity or How Much Do You Want to Weigh?