Team Number: Koffee Kups
School Name: Basin High School
Area of Science: Probability/Queuing Theory
Project Title: Coffee Shop Service Simulation
The purpose of the project: In order to run the shop cost effectively, we need to determine the most efficient shifts for the employees that will facilitate good service for the customers and lowest payroll overhead for the owner.
Plan of action: We offer our customers espresso, coffee, and pastries. There are two coffee machines and two espresso machines behind the counter, as well as a glass pastry case. Cream, sugar, sweetners, and other condiments are available on another counter and do not have to be delivered with the order. Four employees can work comfortably together behind the counter. We will perform "what if" scenario analysis of different staff levels as they relate to the time of day (customer flow),to find the minimal level of staffing hours that result in an appropriate speed of service.
Team Members
Sponsoring Teacher(s)
Project Mentor(s)