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STI Evaluation Form


New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge
July 2005
Summer Teacher Institute Evaluation

Please take the time to answer the following questions thoughtfully and completely. We will consider your responses when we design future Summer Teacher Institutes.

How long have you taught and what subjects have you taught?
On a scale of one to five, how do you rate the organization of the STI?

1 very useful 2 useful 3 neutral 4 not very useful 5 not useful


Rate the usefullness of the mini Challenge during the STI:

1 very useful 2 useful 3 neutral 4 not very useful 5 not useful


Rate the discussion of the Challenge process:

1 very useful 2 useful 3 neutral 4 not very useful 5 not useful


Rate the instructor's knowledge, organization, and helpfullness:

1 very useful 2 useful 3 neutral 4 not very useful 5 not useful


Rate the teaching materials--notebooks, textbooks, web resources, and visual aids:

1 very useful 2 useful 3 neutral 4 not very useful 5 not useful


What questions do you still have after participating in the STI?
What was the most valuable and enjoyable STI activity?
What aspect of the STI was the most frustrating for you?
What can you suggest to improve this for future Institutes?
Please list any suggestions you have to make the STI a more valuable academic experience.
What, if anything, concerns you most about the coming Challenge year?
Will you want to attend another STI next year? If not, why not?
How did you find out about this STI?
Other comments?

For questions about the Supercomputing Challenge, a 501(c)3 organization, contact us at: consult1516 @

New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge, Inc.
80 Cascabel Street
Los Alamos, New Mexico 87544
(505) 667-2864

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