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Supercomputing Challenge

Dynamic Wave Modeling Through Manipulation of Inde

Team: 102


Area of Science: Oceanography and Physics

Interim: The purpose of this project is to develop a set of calculational models and computer programs, Dynamic Wave Modeling Through Manipulation of Independent Variables, and based on these calculations for a unique set of wave dynamics can be evaluated. Wave phenomena involve the transmission of energy and momentum by means of vibratory impulses through a particular state of matter; in this case hydrodynamic waves through a liquid medium. Energy can be transmitted through all states of matter (gaseous liquid, or solid) by longitudinal movement of particles. This report specifically investigates wave motion in a particular medium, in this case a liquid, as an energy transfer.

This project develops computational models that have the capability of describing a specific set of solutions for specified wave conditions; the mathematics and the physics that describe the mechanics of a wave are evaluated through parametric simulations of the wave. This project evaluates the kinetics of the wave, specifically the momentum and energy. Using selected input parameters, wave behavior is analyzed for a range of input values. The density of the liquid medium (such as sea water) remains constant, for all intents and purposes, in the calculations. The argument of the sine function is used to model the behavior of a wave based of two independent variables.

The project is designed to promote a better understanding relating to the physical aspects of the mechanics in a hydrodynamic wave traveling through a liquid medium. The following conditions are identified and reviewed to define the characteristics:
· Kinetic energy of the wave
· Potential energy of the wave
· Reflection of the wave (energy and momentum)
· Wave characteristics (velocity, wave mass, wave
height, wave length)
· Density of the medium (sea water, gas)
The wave function is modeled using frequency, period, wave height, and wave mass.

Progress to date.

Two different computer models have been created to replicate waves based on mathematical models and formulas created by the team. The first of the two models, written in Dark BASIC, represents a wave traveling through a liquid medium and outputs the results in real time motion. The Dark BASIC program uses mathematical equations to represent the wave motion as a function of time. Due to limitations of the first model, a second model was developed using the Gnu Plot language. Both languages can perform sophisticated calculations and store a large number of variables in arrays. Adapting the input parameters to allow the user to calculate wave behavior in several different mediums can then modify the equation developed in these programs.

Team Members:

  Benjamin Fox
  Powell Brown

Sponsoring Teacher: Peggy Larisch

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