2007-2008 Supercomputing Challenge New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge


Final Reports



School Map

Technical Guide

Past Participant Survey



Expo Schedule

For Monday Morning, April 21st

 TIME TABLE   TEAM        Expo Judges 
 8:30   A  Artesia      10, Budge, Jones, Romero
        C  Artesia      11, Burch, Lujan, Smith
        E  Artesia      12, DeBardeleben, McKerley, Parvathi
        G  Artesia      13, Cummings, Morrison, Topliff
        I  Jackson      46, Harris, Nelson, Van Slyke
        K  Jackson      47, Hesch, Olguin, Zhu
        M  Jackson      48, Boquin, Broste, Stevens
        O  Las Cruces   52, Hubbard, O'Shea, Overfelt

 9:00   B  McCurdy      63, Parvathi, Hesch, Van Slyke
        D  Socorro      90, Jones, Cummings, Nelson
        F  Navajo Prep  73, Boquin, DeBardeleben, Topliff
        H  Socorro      91, Overfelt, Harris, Stevens
        J  Los Alamos   53, Budge, Hubbard, Olguin
        L  Los Alamos   55, Burch, Broste, Romero
           Los Alamos   56, FINALIST, presenting at 8:45 in the U House
        N  Sandia Prep  83, Lujan, McKerley, Zhu
        P  Sandia Prep  84, Morrison, O'Shea, Smith

9:30    A  LAMS         59, Jones, Hesch, Romero, Cummings
        C  LAMS         60, Harris, Hubbard, Overfelt
           LAMS         61, FINALIST, presenting at 9:30 in the U House
        E  Aspen        15, DeBardeleben, Broste, Olguin, O'Shea
        G  Barranca     17, Boquin, McKerley, Stevens
        I  Barranca     16, Burch, Morrison, Smith
        K  Barranca     19, Budge, Nelson, Parvathi
        M  LAMS         96, Van Slyke, Topliff, Zhu, Lujan

10:00   B  Melrose      64, Budge, Burch, Cummings
        D  Melrose      66, Hubbard, Lujan, Olguin
        F  Melrose      67, Broste, McKerley, Romero
        H  Melrose      68, Parvathi, O'Shea, Overfelt
        J  Melrose      69, Nelson, Smith, Stevens, Hesch
        L  Santa Fe IS  85, Boquin, Topliff, Van Slyke, Harris
        N  Santa Fe IS  87, Jones, Zhu, Morrison, DeBardeleben

10:30      Alb Acad      2, FINALIST, presenting at 10:15 in the U House
           Alb Acad      3, FINALIST, presenting at 11:00 in the U House
        A  Alb Acad      4, Jones, Olguin, McKerley, Cummings
        C  Alb Acad      5, Romero, Lujan, Overfelt, DeBardeleben
        E  Alb Acad      6, Boquin, Burch, Nelson, Hubbard
        G  Alb Acad      7, Morrison, Parvathi, Stevens, Broste
        I  Alb Acad      8, Smith, Hesch, O'Shea, Budge
        K  Freedom      42, Topliff, Van Slyke, Zhu, Harris
11:00   B  Bosque       27, Boquin, Budge, Morrison, Smith, Harris, Broste
        D  Bosque       30, Parvathi, Burch, Topliff, DeBardeleben, Zhu, Olguin
           Pius/LaCueva 49, FINALIST, presenting at 11:45 in the U House
        F  Rio Rancho H 80, Hesch, Hubbard, Nelson, Overfelt, Cummings, McKerley
        H  Rio Rancho M 81, Romero, Jones, Stevens, O'Shea, Van Slyke, Lujan
           Sandia Prep  82, FINALIST, presenting at 8:00 in the U House

11:45 Judges caucus

12:30 Expo Judges announce another four or so finalist teams

These presentations will be in the first floor and basement of the Library below the Study Center of the Research Library at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. After their presentations, teams will set up their posters in the North Gallery of the Study Center and form groups to be able to take tours of Los Alamos National Laboratory.

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