New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge

Class Materials

Dice and Data

Data Analysis

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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Introduction to Modeling

This class is one hour long. No hands-on work. Get the students to talk with you as much as possible during the class.

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StarLogo Activities 1

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Java Activities

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n-body classes

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N-body Advanced

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Collision Models

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Meet the Scientist/Proposal Review

High School and Self Selected Mid Schools

The facilitators/instructors/scientists will meet the students in their teams. The students will have copies of their proposals with them and their Computational Science Process form. The Meet the Scientist form will be filled out.

The purpose of the session is to make sure the teams have chosen a problem that is suitable for science, has measurable components so that a mathematical model can be developed, and from that a computing solution can be written. The session is secondarily about mentoring teams who have good proposals and are ready to get started on their project.

There will be computer available for teams to get their proposals submitted.

Some students will come to this session and need help from scratch. When the proposals are ready, they, too, can submit their proposals.

Students whose proposals are complete can move to computers to begin research or work at tables to plan their timeline, assign tasks to different members of the team, etc. They will learn to use the blogging system to communicate with their teammates. If there are facilitators who are not working with teams to get their proposals completed it would be great if they could do some mentoring of teams who are ready.

It may be helpful to look at the proposal guidelines and the proposals that are already up on the Challenge web page - There is also a link on the web page for questions to ask to direct the students: Additionally, links to areas of science and may be helpful for teams still looking for an idea. This guidelines link can be useful, too. We urge the students to step through the flow chart at

You can see which teams have submitted proposal on the proposals page of the Challenge web site.

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Teamwork Class

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Software used in the Java and NetLogo Classes

Java Development Kit


  • Win (JDK is prerequisite)
  • Mac OS X (JDK is prerequisite)
  • Linux (JDK is prerequisite)
Note: The Java classrooms had both DrJava and Processing installed, following the installation of the JDK (We also recommend installing the JDK documentation).

Processing Beta 0154

  • Win (JDK is prerequisite)
  • Mac OS X (JDK is prerequisite)
  • Linux (JDK is prerequisite)
Note: The Java classrooms had both DrJava and Processing installed, following the installation of the JDK (I also recommend installing the JDK documentation).

NetLogo v4.0.3

  • Win (private JDK included)
  • Win (JDK is prerequisite)
  • Mac OS X (JDK is prerequisite)
  • Linux (JDK is prerequisite)
Instructions we used in setting up the labs:
If we have NetLogo/Win classrooms where we are certain we are not going to do any Java, then I would suggest downloading and installing the first Win option on the NetLogo list for those classrooms; if there is any chance that a Windows classroom will be used for both Java and NetLogo, the second NetLogo option should be downloaded and installed, after installing the JDK. However, whichever one is downloaded and installed, you will have to select a JDK (not a JRE) version of java.exe during the NetLogo install process, and it must be at least a v5+ (aka v1.5+) JDK. Note that the installer is not smart enough to detect all installed versions, and automatically pick the most recent JDK version, so care must be taken at this step; this is even the case with the first option, that installs its own JDK: you will still have to pick an installed java.exe, and if there are more than one, it is not smart about automatically picking the right one by default.

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Questions? Contact Consult

For questions about the Supercomputing Challenge, a 501(c)3 organization, contact us at: consult @