New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge

Welcome to the 2012-2013
(23rd Annual) Supercomputing Challenge.

Congratulations Supercomputing Challenge winners

Ari Echt-Wilson, Eli Echt-Wilson and Justin Sanchez, La Cueva High School team 47, 1st place, Cole Kendrick, Los Alamos High School team 58, was 2nd place and Alexandra Porter, team 48, from La Cueva High School was 3rd place, but view the Awards Ceremony PowerPoint of ALL the winners of the 2012-2013 Supercomputing Challenge and see all the publicity about the event and see the pictures of the Expo and the Awards Ceremony.

The Challenge Finalist teams                                     The Challenge Scholarship winners

Recent publicity about the Challenge and its participants

Final reports were due April 3rd

Read all about the Expo for descriptions, schedules, housing and directions.

Tours of Sandia Laboratories took place on March 4th.

February Project Evaluations

The Project Evaluations went off very well with 63 teams presenting their work. Public speaking, presentation skills and presenting results are just some of the skills developed in the Supercomputing Challenge.

Interim Reports were due December 10.

78 teams have submitted Interims.

The Kickoff Conference was held on Oct 13-14, in Socorro, New Mexico.

[2012-2013 Kickoff]


Over 360 students and 67 teachers from 47 schools have registered for the 2012-2013 Supercomputing Challenge.

Look over the Important Dates.

See the Invitation to Participate.

Teachers, post the flyer to solicit students or edit the Word version of the flyer and add your contact information.

Review the links on the left for specific information about the 2012-2013 Challenge and review the links above for general information about the Challenge.

See the News Flashes for the 2012-2013 year.

For questions about the Supercomputing Challenge, a 501(c)3 organization, contact us at: consult @

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