% Preamble % --- \documentclass[12pt]{article} % Packages % --- \usepackage{amsmath} % Advanced math typesetting \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Unicode support (Umlauts etc.) \usepackage[english]{babel} % Change hyphenation rules \usepackage{hyperref} % Add a link to your document \usepackage{graphicx} % Add pictures to your document \usepackage{listings} % Source code formatting and highlighting % --- \begin{document} \begin{titlepage} % Generates title page \begin{center} {\bf\Large A Novel Computational Tool for Solving Complex Problems} \\ \bigskip {\large New Mexico \\ Supercomputing Challenge \\ \medskip Final Report \\ \medskip April 6, 2022 \\ \bigskip Team 42 \\ \medskip Some New Mexico School} \end{center} \bigskip \noindent Team Members \begin{itemize} \item{Sam Student} \item{Josephine Student} \item{Estelle Student} \item{Isaac Student} \end{itemize} Teachers \begin{itemize} \item{Tracie Teacher} \item{Sammie Science Teacher} \end{itemize} Project Mentor \begin{itemize} \item{Daniela Mentor} \end{itemize} \end{titlepage} \newpage{} % Pagebreak 1 \tableofcontents{} % Generates table of contents from sections and subsections \newpage{} % Pagebreak 2 \section{Executive Summary} % \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{logo.jpg} \caption{This figure shows the logo of the Supercomputing Challenge.} \end{figure} Complex problems abound in our society and the power of computers can be enlisted to solve many of these problems. Complex problems abound in our society and the power of computers can be enlisted to solve many of these problems. Complex problems abound in our society and the power of computers can be enlisted to solve many of these problems. Complex problems abound in our society and the power of computers can be enlisted to solve many of these problems. Complex problems abound in our society and the power of computers can be enlisted to solve many of these problems. Complex problems abound in our society and the power of computers can be enlisted to solve many of these problems. Complex problems abound in our society and the power of computers can be enlisted to solve many of these problems. We have created a computational tool that will allow us to solved these problems. \newpage{} % Pagebreak 3 \section{Introduction} We began by determining the computational nature of complex problems and looked for algorithmic solutions. We began by determining the computational nature of complex problems and looked for algorithmic solutions. We began by determining the computational nature of complex problems and looked for algorithmic solutions. We began by determining the computational nature of complex problems and looked for algorithmic solutions. \begin{figure} \includegraphics[width=300px]{logo-2021-22.png} \caption{The 2021-20211 logo} \end{figure} We began by determining the computational nature of complex problems and looked for algorithmic solutions. We began by determining the computational nature of complex problems and looked for algorithmic solutions. We began by determining the computational nature of complex problems and looked for algorithmic solutions. \begin{table} \begin{center} \caption{Our first table.} \label{tab:table1} % Label table for later referencing with \ref \begin{tabular}{l|c|r} % <-- Alignments: 1st column left, 2nd middle and 3rd right, with vertical lines in between \hline \textbf{Value 1} & \textbf{Value 2} & \textbf{Value 3}\\ $\alpha$ & $\beta$ & $\gamma$ \\ \hline 1 & 1110.1 & a\\ 2 & 10.1 & b\\ 3 & 23.113231 & c\\ \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} As seen in table \ref{tab:table1}. % Reference previously labeled table We began by determining the computational nature of complex problems and looked for algorithmic solutions. We began by determining the computational nature of complex problems and looked for algorithmic solutions. \section{Methods } \subsection{The data set} The first step is to find the right data. It takes some effort to find suitable measurements. The first step is to find the right data. It takes some effort to find suitable measurements. The first step is to find the right data. It takes some effort to find suitable measurements. The first step is to find the right data. It takes some effort to find suitable measurements. \subsection{The methods} The methods we used to come up with our algorihms are listed here. The methods we used to come up with our algorihms are listed here. The methods we used to come up with our algorihms are listed here. The methods we used to come up with our algorihms are listed here. The methods we used to come up with our algorihms are listed here. The methods we used to come up with our algorihms are listed here. The methods we used to come up with our algorihms are listed here. \subsection{The formulas} We used the quadratic equation $$x=\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}$$ as well as the Golden Ratio: $$A/B = \frac{A+B}{A}$$ \subsection{The Coding Environment} We used Python\footnote{A very easy language to learn} and coded over 3000 lines of code. See the appendix for the source code. \section{Results} We are very pleased with our results (see table \ref{tab:table2} and feel that they will help change the world for the better. We are very pleased with our results and feel that they will help change the world for the better. We are very pleased with our results and feel that they will help change the world for the better. We are very pleased with our results and feel that they will help change the world for the better. We are very pleased with our results and feel that they will help change the world for the better. \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|} \hline Models & A & B & C & D \\ \hline Model $X$ & X1 & X2 & X3 & X4 \\ \hline Model $Y$ & Y1 & Y2 & Y3 & Y4 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{This is another table to look at} \label{tab:table2} \end{table} \section{Conclusion} In conclusion, we hope people will take advantage of our novel computational tool to help them solve complex problems. In conclusion, we hope people will take advantage of our novel computational tool to help them solve complex problems. In conclusion, we hope people will take advantage of our novel computational tool to help them solve complex problems. In conclusion, we hope people will take advantage of our novel computational tool to help them solve complex problems. \section{Acknowledgements} We thank our teacher, Ms Tracie Teacher, for all the encouragement she gave us and without the scientific help from our Science teacher we would not have progresses as far. Of course, we don't want to forget our Mentor Ms. Daniela who consulted with us on numerous occasions helping us over hurtles and obsticales that got in our way. She helped us research many topics and guided us to the best solutions to the problems we encountered. \newpage{} % Pagebreak \begin{appendix} \listoffigures \listoftables \section{The Code} \lstinputlisting[language=python]{code.py} \end{appendix} \end{document}