Electives at Supercomputing Challenge Kickoff
New Mexico Tech, October 26th Saturday 7:30 – 9:00 PM
- Hints to Improve Projects, Speare 116
Learn how to maximize your research projects and getting internships and scholarships.
Leader: Creighton Edington - Etscorn Campus Observatory
The NM Tech Astronomy Club will make a short presentation on what well be viewed and share some general astronomy knowledge, then you'll view objects through telescopes, and they will be answering questions. Catch the bus in the Workman Parking Lot at 7:30 for a unique star party.
Leaders: The NM Tech Astronomy Club - Coded Bias, Workman 101
This documentary investigates the bias in algorithms after M.I.T. Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini uncovered flaws in facial recognition technology.
Leader: Patty Meyer - eSports Competition, Gold 105 & 107
Competitors will go against each other in multi-player video games. Signup to participate.
Leader: Damian Banks, NM Tech