Del Norte High
QUESTION: Did the increased amount of rainfall in New Mexico which occurred in 1993 caused the population of Deer Mice to be increased, which in turn caused more people to catch Hantavirus?
HYPOTHESIS: Does the rainfall, temperature, or humidity have an effect on Hantavirus? Do all the factors of rainfall, temperature, and humidity have an effect?
After we aquire all our data to write our program we will be able to help predict the number of deaths or determine another outbreak of the Hantavirus. We will generate graphs that will help us predict Hantavirus freaquency.
PLANS: Acquiring rainfall data from all the counties in New Mexico for the last five years, which had incidents from Hantavirus. Acquiring data on the temperature or humidity of the couties in New Mexico to see if that correlates with the Hantavirus diagnosis for the last five years. -Getting the information on the number of incidents of diagnosis of Hantavirus in all couties of New Mexico. -Researching on the population of deer mice before the outbreak of Hantavirus, and how many deer mice there were when the Hantavirus was at a stable stage.
SOURCES: Science Department at UNM (Medical School), which specializes in diseases.