

Team Number:


School Name:

Los Alamos High School

Area of Science:

Computer Science

Project Title:

Parallel Processor Under Fire

The goal of our project is to create a simulation of parallel processors which are frequently subject to damage. This means that what we are trying to do is make parallel processors that can withstand losing processors and *possibly links within the system. An example of this would be a fighter jet that was being shot at. If one or more of the jet's processors is destroyed the system which runs the plane would need to be capable of continuing. We will be simulating a totally decentralized system, which means that the processors will distribute jobs and other high level functions by themselves with no "master" processor doing the work. This insures that the system will function longer, for if there is a master processor and it is destroyed the whole system will go down. It should be noted that we will only be doing a simulation and we will be doing no work with hardware. Due to the nature of the simulation we will have a master program which will create individual files that act as processors. We will be programming in C++ which all of the team members have some familiarity with.

* We intend to create as durable a simulation as possible, but due to lack of time we will concentrate first on processors being destroyed. Then, if there is time, we will implement the capability for it to deal with links being destroyed. If we have enough time at the end we will also try damaged links and processors which will send bad data.

Team Members:

Sponsoring Teacher(s):

Project Advisor(s):

New Mexico High School Supercomputing Challenge