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Team Number: 045 School Name: Cuba High School Area of Science: pysicological Project Title: Learning Styles Project Abstract: http://mode.lanl.k12.nm.us/97.98/abstracts/045.html Project Interim: http://mode.lanl.k12.nm.us/97.98/interims/045.html Final Report: http://mode.lanl.k12.nm.us/97.98/finalreports/045/finalreport.html
Learning Styles
This project is based on the different kind of learning styles that people have. We will find out the different ways that each person learns. In conducting this experiment, the subjects are high school , middle school , and elementary students. The questionnaire that we are going to give, has specific kind of questions that will be able to tell what type of a learner that individual is. With all the information that we are going to get from the results of these tests, will be entered in to our program that will rate the score. The type of people that we are questioning, are of different race, age, gender, and grade.
Everybody has a learning style. Since parents' learning styles are not necessarily reflected in their offspring, and since siblings usually are more different than similar, we cannot be certain whether learning styles is biologically inherited or environmentally developed. Moreover, since learning styles itself is made up of a number of different elements, its origin is complex. Indeed, the research evidence on the question differs from one element to another. For each element of learning styles discussed below, the current consensus of researchers as to where it is biologically or environmentally determined will be indicated.
Learning styles is that consistent pattern of behaviour and performance by which an individual approaches educational experiences. It is the composite of characteristic cognitive, affective, and physiological behaviours that serve as relatively stable indicators of how a learner perceives, interacts with, and responds to the learning environment. It is formed on the deep structure of neural organization and personality which milds and is molded by human development and the cultural experience of home, school, and society.
Well- designed and well-conducted research studies verify that, regardless of age,IQ, socioecomomic status, or achievement, level, individuals respond unequal to their immediate environment when they are trying to learn something new-particularly if it is difficult. Many require absolute silence when they are concentrating: others can block out distracters and absorb information: and some can not study in silence. People in the last group are so sound sensitive that when their surroundings are quiet, they hear all the extraneous noises they're usually not aware of, and those sounds actually prevent them from thinking. One recent investigation isolated students who could not tolerate sound when concentrating and others who required it. Statistically, both groups achieved significantly better when their preferences for quiet or sound ( music to block out the environmental distracters) where matched correctly. Both groups did statistically less well when their preferences were mismatched.
People also respond differently to light. Some need brightly lit areas to learn,where as others become fidgety, nervous, or hyperactive when the light is too bright for them. Members of the first group often become apathetic or sleepy when lights are dim,and those in the second are not able to internalise information until the lights are soft enough to permit relaxation.
Most students can describe the temperatures in which they function most effectively. In exactly the same room at the same time, some feel warm, others are cool, a few are cold, and many are comfortable. It is important to note that, inless individuals are at harmony with their environment, it is difficult for them to concentrate.
Bibliography Dunn, Rita. A Learning Style Primer: May 1981
Koch,Melissa."Opening Up Technology To Both Genders".Education Digest:Nov94,Vol.60 Issue3, p18, p5
Bennett. National Task Force on Learning Styles and Brain Behavior: 1990,Vol.13, p140