[1998 Summer Teacher Training Session: New Mexico Highlands University, June 7 - 19]
[New Mexico High School Supercomputing Challenge]

HTML 101 - An Introduction

This section of the STTS course is intended to give the student a basic working knowledge of hyper-text markup language (HTML). No prior knowledge of HTML is assumed.

The text used in this section is O'Reilly and Associates HTML: The Definitive Guide, Second Edition. Chapters Three, Four, Five, Seven, Eight, and Eleven will be covered.

A Tenative Schedule

Monday, August 5 - Introduction to HTML. In this section, basic HTML syntax, the how-to's of creating an HTML page, tag format and structure, and document elements will be covered. Suggested reading -- HTML, The Definitive Guide, pp. 38 - 53. Monday Outline

Tuesday, August 4 - Content Basics. Creating, formatting and displaying content will be the focus of this part. The how-to's of formatting text and fonts, content tags, layout, special characters, images, and rules will be reviewed. Suggested reading -- HTML, The Definitive Guide, pp. 54 - 154.

Wednesday, August 5 - The URL. Basic functions of hypertext, creating URL's, different URL protocols, absolute vs. relative links will be covered. Suggested reading -- HTML, The Definitive Guide, pp. 179 - 230.

Thursday, August 6 - Lists and Tables. The topics of this section are formatted lists and HTML tables. Suggested reading -- HTML, The Definitive Guide, pp. 231 - 250, 341 - 371.

1998 - New Mexico High School Supercomputing Challenge