Challenge 2000 Awards Day Agenda
April 24-26, 2000
Monday, April 24
Tuesday, April 25
8:30-9 Judges meeting in Chama room
9-noon Judging in Tyuonyi, Taos, and Acoma
noon-1:30 Judges' lunch
1:30-4 Judging in Tyuonyi, Taos, and Acoma
1-5 Tours, talks, demos at Los Alamos National Laboratory
for finalists that are finished and others coming from
more than 150 miles.
6-10pm Judges' dinner/discussion
Wednesday, April 26
8-9:00 Tours and talks starting in the Bradbury Science Museum at the corner of Central and 15th, downtown Los Alamos.
9:30-10 Registration / Poster judging in the Otowi Building rooms A, B, and C (near
the cafteria) at Los Alamos National Laboratory (see the detailed map)
10-noon Awards Ceremony in the LANL Physics Building auditorium (see the detailed map)
noon-1pm Lunch in the Otowi cafeteria (or reception for the finalists in rooms A, B, and C)
1-4:30 Tours, talks, demos at Los Alamos National Laboratory