4.0 Results

4.1 Calculations

The program computed several variables. For example: the population, the birth rate, the death due to other causes, the death due to the disease, the infected, and the susceptible are the variables inputted. The output is approximately 50.552% of the 1,767,000 population. Once the calculation is complete for a year, or it runs through the first program, the second program calculates the results for the number of years that is in the program. The result is the total population infected through the given time frame (a year). As an example; over the first three years the amount of people infected went down by an average of 100,000. Over the first year, 43.3523% of 624,104 people became infected (Appendix 4). On the third year, 43.3223% of 414,261 people still became infected with the disease. (Appendix 4) On the fifth-teen year, the percentage of 43.3523% remained constant except the population is now 35,430.3 people. (Appendix 5)